D O C U M E N T S 9 3 , 9 4 J U LY 1 9 2 3 9 5
shows that he was not speaking openly and was caught red-handed. Then I would
rather not see him. I am, incidentally, relying entirely on your instinctive percep-
tiveness in human nature. However you judge it, I will consider it right. I myself
must confess that the boy’s attitude is not quite clear to me. Perhaps it will impress
him if you hold the true circumstances objectively before his eyes.
I am going to come to Lautrach with Eduard = Teddy around the 6th or 7th and
am very much looking forward to it. Before that, I still want to visit my
birthplace (Buchau near Ulm). I shall not be going to Munich before that because
I cannot leave here that quickly. Then I’ll just go to Munich after Lautrach. I do not
know how I shall be able to predict my arrival exactly; but it’s not obstinacy, rather
the labyrinthine trip that I have ahead of me.
Cordial greetings for now to you and your
from your
A. Einstein.
93. From Tullio Levi-Civita
Cortina d’Ampezzo, 28 July 1923
Illustrious and dear friend,
The very welcome dispatch of your recent publications reached me here. I noted
in them the new burst of genius with which you have succeeded in giving concrete
form to the generalizations of Weyl and
I am infinitely grateful to you for the good memory you keep of me, and please
accept with most cordial greetings my best wishes for an excellent vacation.
Your very obliged
T. Levi-Civita
94. From Hans Albert Einstein
Lautrach, 29 July 1923
Dear Papa,
Yesterday I came here to see Dr.
who has so kindly taken up this
business of mine and I thought it over with him very thoroughly; and only at this
point did I actually see how terrible my letter was for you, without even suspecting
such a thing at the
I can only say as an excuse that it hadn’t been at all clear
to me then how I was actually writing, that it implied a few things, the extent of
which I wasn’t even aware of while I was writing it.
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