D O C U M E N T S 1 0 8 , 1 0 9 S E P T E M B E R 1 9 2 3 1 0 5
Cordial regards, yours,
A. Einstein.
108. To Elsa Einstein
[Kiel,] Sunday [2 September
Dear Else,
The trip proceeded well. In Wittenbergen I met Albert according to
Around 4 o’clock we arrived and came here by tram. Then we immediately went
sailing. This morning we went sailing with Mr.
and were caught in a huge
downpour. If only I had taken the white trousers along! Now I’m sitting in my coat
and underpants because the rest has to dry. Albert is an able sailor, sensible and
kindhearted. If there were no
the traditional animosity would be quickly
overcome. I like it here perfectly well; the housekeeping is just a little too luxuri-
ous. Albert also eats almost no meat, like me, but great amounts of vegetables. You
have a completely wrong notion of him. He is modest, temperate, tough, and dili-
gent, in short, a kind of farm boy, but intellectually schooled, at that. I like best his
simple way, never wishing to put himself forward, always useful and reliable. Yes-
terday we played music together as well. If all of you only knew how harmless all
of this is, you wouldn’t get so concerned about Kiel and all its issues.
Heartfelt greetings to all three of
to the Japanese knight, too, from your
Send me the correspondence, the letter by
too, because I do have an
enormous amount of time here.
109. To Elsa Einstein
[Kiel], 7 September 1923
Dear Else,
Another half-week is over. We go sailing all afternoon, weather permitting, right
into the open sea and let ourselves be rocked by the waves. Mornings and evenings
we work and play music. One is almost ashamed to live so nicely and worry-free
during such a time of tumultuous events. The food isn’t luxurious, though, but the
way it should be. Poor Japan; it must look terrible
But whatever has sur-
vived will soon have recovered. And this business will be conducive to a rejection
of European buildings. I have in the meantime decided to travel to Bonn on the
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