D O C U M E N T 1 7 4 D E C E M B E R 1 9 2 3 1 7 1
think that you could perhaps write to Professor
These letters would
have to be written immediately, because on the 15th of this mo. the draft of the
IKA’s budget is due. You may send these letters to Dr. Eliaschoff at the following
address: Comité executive de la conférence universelle, Paris, 10 Eduard VIIth
Place, for Dr. Eliaschoff.
You, dear Professor, surely received my postcard and
I also tried to set
instead of , for the fourth combination. But it did
not work. Should I try to introduce as the 5th combination and
thus have 5 arbitrary constants?
Please kindly send me an answer and notice of when you are coming to Berlin.
They wrote me from Kaunas that I can easily still stay here this month. Now I am
zealously working on the book. I hope that I shall finally succeed in familiarizing
myself properly with the subject.
Did you already write to Russia about my business? I would be very satisfied if
I had a research assistantship besides the one in Kaunas. Nicest would be working
for you. If not, could you perhaps do something for me in Holland? With cord. re-
gards, your devoted
J. Grommer.
In receipt of the 50 g[old] m[arks].[8]
174. From Hans Mühsam
B[erlin], 11 Maaßen St., 9 December 1923
Very dear Professor,
Your fine letter would have entirely pleased me if it hadn’t reported to me about
the recurrence of your stomach complaints.[1] These are surely symptoms that must
be ascribed to the overproduction of too intensely acidic gastric juices; and its
cause is surely of a nervous nature. But in view of your prehistory replete with sus-
picions of an ulcer, I do want to recommend to you to let yourself be examined to
determine if objective signs of a gastric ulcer are present. For this purpose, the stool
would have to be inspected—after three days on a meatless diet—to check for any
admixture of blood; and given a negative result, that examination would have to be
repeated 2–3 more times. If it does not cause too much inconvenience at Leyden,
you should also have your stomach, specifically the upper section of the small in-
testine, radiographed throughout the various stages of digestion. Pumping the

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