V O L . 7 , D O C . 3 6 a E X C H A N G E O F L I T E R A T U R E 3
Vol. 9, 6a. To Anton Libecky[1]
[Berlin,] 22 February 1919
[Not selected for translation.]
Vol. 7, 36a. An Exchange of Scientific Literature
[Berlin, between 24 March and 4 April
An aid campaign that would make it possible for scientific institutions of the
Central Powers to receive foreign scientific literature ¢particularly obtaining jour-
nals from other institutions [of] science abroad² would be a laudable
In my opinion, it would be especially welcome if it could be arranged ¢through the
participation of the Entente st[ates]², by the efforts of neutral countries, that friends
of research in the Entente countries could also participate in this endeavor.
¢Now,² as concerns the method, I would not consider any particular form of loan
to be the right one, because it would be questionable for most institutions here to
assume such a
¢which in their budgets would [be] a very² One
tive service would be to organize a journal and book exchange, in which the jour-
nals offered from the Central Powers would be exchanged in accordance with their
real value, irrespective of the valuta. American institutions have already accommo-
dated institutions here along these lines in a truly liberal manner ¢[the] most im-
portant and difficult aspect would be exchanges among
If such a cam-
paign as you envision should really be ¢set up² attempted, it would probably be
practical to contact the Prussian Academy of Scien[ces], which has ties to all sci-
entific institutions of the Central Powers and is permanently trying to preserve this
jeopardized scientific activity.
A. Einstein.
Vol. 13, 178a. To Edward H. Synge[1]
Leyden, 4 May 1922
Dear Mr. Synge,
In answer to your letter of 16. iv I am very sympathetic to the publication of
Hamilton is one of the greatest classics of nineteenth century
Many, perhaps the greatest, ideas of Hamilton have been transferred into
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