1 0 3 8 I N D E X Jabotinsky, Vladimir (Ze’ev), 383n, 891a Jacobi, Solomon, 873a solicits AE’s endorse- ment for Hebrew Geographical Atlas, AE de- clines, 891a Jacobsohn, Siegfried, 361, 638n Jacoby, Siegfried AE on indiscretion of, 744 Einstein, Hans Albert, on indiscretion of, 733– 734 solicits Kessler’s opinion on founding Jewish League of Nations in Germany 889a Kes- sler on, 890a Jaffé, Otto, gold medal of Royal Astronomical Society awarded to AE, 906a Jahn Rusconi-Besso, Beatrice (1890–1965), 89n, 444, 562 on herself and Maja Winteler-Einstein, 932a solicits reading of her essay, 933a Jakob, Max, 927a Japanese General Consulate, Hamburg, sends photograph, 917a Jeans, James (1877–1946), xcii, 181, 775, 777n on AE’s message to commemoration of Newton bicentenary, 956a Copley Medal, on awarding of to AE, 183, 890a, 895a Jeffreys, Harold, 917a Jeidels, Otto, 881a, 882a AE praises Krieger to, 958a Jeshurun, Troppau, 952a Jessner, Leopold (1878–1945), on Hedwig Born’s play, 947a AE gives to, 699, 712 Jewish Agency, lxxvi, 74 AE on, 969 Weizmann on, 54 (see also Keren Hayesod) Jewish League of Nations in Germany, Jacoby solicits Kessler’s opinion on, 889a Kessler in favor of, 889a Jewish National and University Library, solicits dispatch of PAW journals, 950a Jewish Old Age Assistance, AE asked for apho- rism in fundraising publication of, 945a Jewish physicists, Schrödinger on propaganda by, lxiv Jewish Theological Seminar in Breslau, 944a Jews, achievements in physics of, AE invited to lecture on, 876a AE declines, 876a Joel, 897a Joffe, Abram F. (1880–1960), 71–72, 423, 701 guest lecturer at University of Göttingen, 71 invites AE to lecture in Baltic capitals, 955a solicits application for visa for Arsenieff, 924a Johannsen, Nicolas, on “anticentral attraction,” 930a Johns Hopkins University offers AE professorship, xli, 729–730, 899a, 961a AE declines, 703, 961a scientific and living conditions at, Michaelis on, 729–730 Jong van Beek en Donk, Benjamin de (1881– 1948), 400 Joos, Georg (1894–1959), lxvii on Einstein 1926p, 444 on experiment on nature of light emission, lxiv, 444, 469–470, 919a Joos 1926, 444, 919a, 925a Miller’s experiment, on repeating, 444–445, 470 Jordan, Pascual (1902–1980), lxxxi–lxxxv, 70– 72, 101, 198, 200, 211n, 241, 311, 318, 478n, 648 matrix mechanics of, 177, 234–235, 340, 344– 349, 364, 366, 371, 419–421, 427-430, 446, 477, 648, 804–807, 823–824 monatomic ideal gas, on degeneracy of, 101 Josephson, John Joseph (1866–1940), 273 Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathema- tik, solicits contribution to centenary of, AE declines, 901a Journalisten & Schriftsteller Verein, invites AE in honorary circle of associates, 933a AE de- clines, 573 Joyce, James (1882–1941), Ulysses, AE asked to sign protest against pirate edition of, 676, 735–737 Jüdische Gemeinde Berlin, 955a library of, Heller’s dismissal from, 956a AE on, 955a Jüdischer Arbeiterkulturverein “Perez,” solicits signed statement for auction, 947a Jüdischer Handwerker-Kongress, invites AE to attend, 889a Julius, Louise (1901–1982), 51n Julius, Maria (1894–1977), 51n Julius, Willem (1860–1925), xc, 124, 336 AE intends to visit with family of, 935a AE’s obituary of, 50, 101, 126, 217, 910a Eh- renfest on, 123 Frost on, 201, 889a Juliusburger, Erika (1905–1977), AE on finan- cial help for treatment of for tuberculosis, 640, 941a, 946a Juliusburger, Otto (1867–1952), 640
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