I N D E X 1 0 3 9 Julius-Einthoven, Betsy (1867–1945), 51n AE on visit with, 893a Jung, Heinrich (1876–1953), 681 Jungfraujoch, Tomaschek’s work at, lxvii Jungnickel, Walter, solicits opinion on perpetuum mobile, 910a Kagan, Veniamin F., on position for Grommer in Russia, 956a, 958a Kageneck, Heinrich Count von (1886–1957), so- licits support for a political brochure, 780 Kahn, Bernhard Kowno university courses, sends financial sup- port to, 893a, 895a solicits signature on congratulation for 70th birthday of L. Marshall, 943a Kahn, Fritz, solicits aphorism for fundraising publication of Jewish Old Age Assistance, 945a Kaibel, Franz, on existence of ether, 945a Kaisenberg, Georg, 888a Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut für ausländisches öffen- tliches Recht AE on, 108 Bruns envisaged director of, Schücking oppos- es, 876a, 879a Kaluza, Theodor (1885–1954), xliii, lii, 566 AE on better position for, 703 Kowalewski proposes as his successor, 938a AE supports, liv unified field theory of, lii–liv AE on, 625, 716–721, 752–759 (see also Five-dimen- sional theory) Kaluza-Klein-Fock five-dimensional unified field theory, AE on, liii, 751 Kamerlingh Onnes, Harm (1893–1985), 201 on death of Menso Kamerlingh Onnes, 872a Kamerlingh Onnes, Harm Albert (1888–1956), 202n Kamerlingh Onnes, Heike (1853–1926), xc, 214, 337, 418, 419, 872a death of, AE on, 352, 371, 931a Lorentz on, 351 on opportunity for German and French scien- tists to meet, 194–195 Kamerlingh Onnes, Menso Kamerlingh Onnes, Harm, on death of, 872a played music with AE, 872a Kamerlingh Onnes-Bijleveld, Maria (1861– 1938), 194, 351, 352 Kananov, P., 879a Kapitza, Peter (1894–1984), 72, 577 guest lecturer at University of Göttingen, 71 participates in magnetism week in Zurich, 510 Kapitsa, Pyotr. See Kapitza, Peter. Kar, Sites Chandra, 900a applies for Rockefeller fellowship, 923a Kármán, Theodore von (1881–1963), 550 visits California Institute of Technology, 549 helps build wind tunnel at, 550n Karr-Krüsi, Albert (1869–1927), 93, 522 manages funds for Mileva Einstein-Mariü, 892a solicits help finding position for Hellmann, 933a Karr-Krüsi, Luise (1873–1959), 522 Katz, 895a Katzenstein, Moritz (1872–1932), clinic of, Edu- ard Einstein may room in, 51 Kaufmann, Eugen, 897a Kayser, Rudolf (1889–1964), xc, 30, 93, 146n, 497, 699, 800, 942a AE consoles for Ilse’s illness, 108 cardiac problems of, 654 requested to review Hedwig Born’s play, 647, 654 Zangger examines, 664, 941a, 944a, 945a Kayser-Einstein, Ilse (1897–1934), 179, 522, 547, 551, 570, 800, 870a, 873a, 911a, 936a gastric ailments of, 29, 98, 108 AE on, 91, 92, 93, 217 convalescence, 107, 108, 110, 139, 229 Maja Winteler-Einstein on, 94 ill with gallstones, 587 Margot Einstein takes care of, 107 nosebleeds of, 770 Keesom, Willem (1876–1956), 133, 229, 337 Keller, Gottfried (1819–1890), 590 Kelvin, Lord. See Thomson, William Kendrick, John, sends questionnaire on Her- mann Einstein, 874a AE replies, 874a Kennedy, Roy J. (1897–1986) repeats Miller’s experiment, lxi, 128, 129, 671, 699, 749–751 with negative result, 586, 942a Hale on, 653 Millikan on, 653 Kepler, Johannes, 559, 784, 794, 796 Keren Hayesod, 382 AE on importance of, 357–359