1 0 4 0 I N D E X rally in Berlin of, Blumenfeld invites AE to, 906a speakers at, 906a See also Jewish Agency solicits signature for funds to be transmitted, 928a Weizmann on, 55 Kerkhof, Karl, 941a Kerr, Alfred (1867–1948), 361, 530n, 596 Ein- stein, Eduard, on book by, 407, 435, 455–456 Kersten, Kurt, 361 Kessel, Elisabeth von (1893–1980), 95 Kessel, Sophie von (1878–?), 95 Kessler, F., 42 Kessler, Count Harry, 568, 569n, 861, 889a, 933a on Jacoby, 890a Jewish League of Nations in Germany, favors idea of, 889a nominated for Nobel Prize for Peace, 902a Kienle, Johann (1895–1975), 72 Kikujiro Ishii, 932a King, Charles, asks for help in recruiting pupil to new school, 878a Kirchberg, Paul solicits recommendation for position at IIIC, 921a AE provides, 960a solicits references from Bechhold and Oppen- heim, 921a Kisch, Egon Erwin, 554, 582n Kisch, Frederick H. (1888–1943), 512, 818 Kläber, Kurt (1897–1959), 361 Kläber 1925, confiscated, 144–145 Klabund, 146n, 554 Klatte, Otto, on separation of nitrogen and oxy- gen by centrifuge, 953a AE on low efficien- cy of, 953a Klatzkin, Jakob (1882–1948), 49, 50n, 236, 237, 622n, 827, 905a on Enzyklopädie des Juden- tums, 897a Kleiber, Erich, requested by Rote Hilfe to partic- ipate in fundraising concert, 946a Klein, Oskar (1894–1977), lii–liv, 498n, 575– 577, 720n AE on, 506, 507, 566, 578, 625, 751, 815 Ehrenfest praises, 569 five-dimensional geometry for a unified field theory, lii (see also Five-dimensional theory) Klein, O. 1926, sends, liii, 575 on further de- velopment of, 576, 720n, 758n, 759n, Klein, O. 1927a, sends manuscript of, 575, 815n Lorentz Fund, support of for, 498, 927a on Schrödinger’s wave mechanics, 927a unified field theory of, AE praises, 578 visits Leyden, Ehrenfest on, 498, 505 Lorentz on, 508, 927a Klein, Samuel (1866–1940), 820n Kligler, Israel (1888 [or 1889]–1944), 521n, 901a proposed as director of Institute of Microbiology at Hebrew University, AE against, 329, 333, 518, 818 Klimsch, Fritz (1870–1960), bust of E. Warburg by, 25n Klingler, Karl, 896a Klopsch, J., asks AE to initiate collection on his behalf during Zionist Congress in Vienna, 880a Knapp, Georg F., 926a Knecht, Frieda (1895–1959), lv, 197, 364n, 579, 733, 734, 744, 766, 890a Anschütz-Kaempfe, discusses marriage with, 195–196 character of, 197 genetic heritage of, 189, AE on, 174, 342, 410 Zangger on, 922a influence of on Hans Albert Einstein, 704 intends to marry Hans Albert Einstein, 136 negative characteristics of, 574 plans to work as speech therapist, 952a psychopath, 196 Zangger, discussion with, 510 See also Einstein, Hans Albert, planned mar- riage of Knecht-Reckewerth, Elise (1864–1927), 410n genetic heritage of, 510 illness of, Hans Albert Einstein on, 510 Knecht-Reckewerth, Johann Heinrich (1859– 1929), 326n Knoller, Jakob, sends etched portrait of AE, 891a Knox-Shaw, Harold, 916a Knudsen, Martin (1871–1949), 417 Kobbe, Sigismund von on Born’s book on relativity, 911a sends calculations on Mercury’s perihelion motion, 911a on Weyl’s variational calculations, 911a Koch, Paul (1890–?), 308
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