I N D E X 1 0 4 1 Koch, Peter P. (1879–1945), 655 Koch, Robert (1879–1952?), 4, 6, 8, 18 contract with AE, 5 Kocherthaler, Kuno (1881–1944), AE’s verse for, 125 Koeppe. Leonhard, inquires about employment possibilities, 939a AE declines, 941a Kögel, Gustav (1882–1945), on palimpsests at Bibliothèque Nationale, 949a Kohlhörster, Werner (1887–1946), priority dis- pute with Millikan, 557 Kohn, Hans, lxxvii Kohn, Isidoro, sends honorary diploma of Club de Engenharen, Rio de Janeiro, 894a Kohn, Leo (1894–1961), lxxviii, 204, 250n, 253n, 299, 328, 333, 365, 875a, 882a, 903a, 919a, 929a, 947a Amira, on salary of, 900a BOGHU 2nd meeting, on outcome of, 884a 3rd meeting, on date of, 922a, 926a new members, proposal for, 907a Hebrew University asks AE to speak at a rally on behalf of, 889a AE declines, 180 on current issues at, 818–819, 824–825 AE on, 826 on Institute of Judaic Studies, 818 invites Hadamard to join BOGHU, 899a on negotiations with AE in Berlin, Weizmann agrees, 899a AE on, 316 solicits information on Salaman-Polianowsky, 889a solicits opinion on article by young Russian scholar, 900a solicits signature to document for Samuel, 889a Weizmann, on visit of in Berlin, 926a Zionist Organisation, BOGHU’s congratula- tion of to Freud, solicits AE’s consent, 919a Koigen, David, position for, AE on, 910a Elbo- gen on, 910a Hirsch on, 923a, 925a Köllnisches Gymnasium, director, AE sends writing of overextended student to, 952a Kollwitz, Käthe, 146n, 361, 554, 598, 944a Konzert-Direktion Hermann Wolf u. Jules Sachs, invites AE to lecture on Jewish ques- tions, 949a AE declines, 949a Koppel, Leopold (1854–1933), 119 on ex- change of scientists between Germany and France, 125 Korn, Arthur (1870–1945), 538 on image telegraphy, 928a telegraphic synchronization, proposal for, 921a, 923a, 924a, 925a, 926a, 927a, 928a AE on, 922a, 926a Oprescu on, 927a Korn, P., 803 Kossel, Walther (1888–1956), 107, 886a Kowalewski, Gerhard (1876–1950), 625 solicits recommendation for Kaluza as his successor, 938a AE provides, liv, 625 Kowno university courses, American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee sends financial support to, 893a, 895a Krahmann, Max, proposes International Mining Institute to ICIC, 937a Krain, Willibald, poster of for donation, 897a Kramers, Hendrik (1894–1952), 337 AE on, 339 Bohr-Kramers-Slater theory, Laue on, 523 lecture at 1927 Solvay Congress by, 418 as successor of Ornstein, AE on, 127, 135, 140, 147 Ehrenfest on, 124, 131–133, 140–143 visits University of Göttingen, 71 Kraus, Arthur AE recommends to Weizmann, 927a on his student years and hounding of Eastern European Jews, 902a solicits meeting with AE, 951a solicits recommendation to Adams, 928a on Ueberweg 1923, 901a Kreisler, Fritz, requested to participate in fund- raising concert for free, 946a Kress, paper by not suitable for Mathematische Annalen, 961a Krestinsky, Nikolai N. (1883–1938), may assist in search for Miloš Mariü Jr. in Russia, 600n, 705n Krichewsky-Ezrahi, Simcha (1883–?), 453–454 on establishing meteorological observatory at Hebrew University, 913a, 916a AE pro- poses, 947a Weizmann recommends, 909a Krieger, Samuel, AE recommends to Jeidels, 958a Krüss, Hugo (1879–1945), 876a, 882a, 888a, 938a AE proposes as his representative on board of