1 0 4 2 I N D E X directors of IIIC, 954a, 955a, 960a Oprescu on, 955a on books for French students, AE on, 119, 125 Einstein-Stiftung member, leaves, 890a on meeting of IIIC board of directors, 958a Kruyt, Hugo R. (1882–1959), 132, 141–142 Kuczynski, Robert R., 356n, 875a Kuh, Frederick, on Miller’s refutation of relativ- ity, 920a Kultur-Technik Ost, on sister society in Berlin, 894a Konen, Heinrich (1874–1948), 369 Kun, Béla (1886–1939), Mileva Einstein-Mariü requests address of, 590 Kunitz, Moses, AE on manuscript of Kunitz 1926, 915a Kunz, George F., solicits letter on origin of chemical elements, 872a Kuo Min Tang, sends circular to Reichstag mem- bers, 904a KWIP funding requests by Füchtbauer, Christian, 905a, 932a Hoffmann, Gerhard, 906a Holst, H., 883a Laue declines, 883a Mie, Gustav, 905a, 945a Wien, Wilhelm, 905a Schlomka, AE proposes funds for, 816 Weissenberg, employment of at, Laue on, 930a Schmidt-Ott on, 930a Ladenburg, Karl (1882–1952), on damping of spectral lines, 239, 273 AE on, 248 Ladenburg, Thalmann & Co., 238 AE requests transfer of funds to Mileva, 887a on AE’s securities, 885a on reinvestment of Mileva’s Argentine bonds, 949a AE on, 767 Mileva on, 951a Lämmel, Rudolf Galileo Galilei documents, on preservation of, 931a, 932a, 936a, 938a solicits opinion on his explanation of solar counterglow, paths of planets and zodiacal light, 883a, 930a solicits opinion on Michelson-Gale experi- ment, 883a solicits recommendation to Enriques, 932a, 936a, 938a Lamouche, 948a Lampa, Anton (1868–1938), 502 Lanczos, Kornel (1893–1974), publications by, AE on, 429 Ehrenfest on, 423 Landau, Edmund (1877–1938), 818, 826 Hufnagel, on employment of, 961a proposed as member of BOGHU, 74, 907a Landé, Alfred (1888–1975), 72 Landes-Wohlfahrts- und Jugendamt Berlin, so- licits proposals for prize essays, 942a AE sends, 651 Landmann, 897a Lang, Otto, solicits help to organize committee on research of the future, 907a Langevin, Paul (1872–1946), 194, 363, 371, 373, 399, 408, 417, 872a, 914a, 921a AE meets with, 308, 401n Anschütz-Kaempfe, cooperates in ultrasound scanning of seabed with, 603, 938a, 939a AE on, 613 Austrian League of Human Rights, participates in founding of, 921a Broglie, Louis de, on lxxxiii, 603 Ehrenhaft, visits with, 921a Enriques, meets with, 892a Lorentz jubilee, guest at, 194, 201 magnetism week in Zurich, participates in, 510 mathematical skill, in wave mechanics, 603 representative of AE in Conseil d’administra- tion of IIIC, 904a, 910a Curie, Marie on, 904a Schrödinger, admires wave mechanics of, 603 Lapie, Paul (1869–1927), 309n, 904a invites AE for tea at Sorbonne, 898a Laqueur, Ernst, 918a solicits signed reprints or written statements for auction, 918a Lasby Tessman, Jennie (1882–1959), 652 Lask, Bertha (1878–1967), play “Thomas Münze” by confiscated, 144 Laue, Max von (1879–1960), 128, 514, 816, 869a, 883a, 906a, 936a, 937a, 945a, 950a on Bohr-Kramers-Slater theory, 523 invites Heisenberg to Berlin, 347 KWIP, requests, 147, 883a, 905a, 930a (see also KWIP) League of Nations, not satisfied with, 524
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