INDEX 683 Darmstadt, 306 Darmstadt-Stern, Emma (1885-?), 183n, 403n, 404 marriage of, 306 Darmstaedter, Ludwig (1846-1927), 270n Darmstaedter autograph collection, 270n Debye, Peter (1884-1966), 285n, 287n, 307, 374, 398, 408n, 428n, 446, 446n, 448, 468, 597n AE on abilities of, 290, 374 candi- dacy for chair at University of Utrecht: 346, 348n, 350, 359, 369, 373, acceptance of appointment, 422n, AE's comments on, 349, 356, AE's recommendation for, 374, formal appointment, 395n, official recom- mendation for, 376n, uncertainties of, 354, welcomes offer, 347, 350, 361 candidacy for H. A. Lorentz's chair at University of Leyden, 421 candidacy for AE's chair at University of Zurich: 285n, appointment, 291n invited to Wolfskehl meeting (Göttingen), 506n letter from Julius, W. H., 348n, 356n, 362n, 386n letter to Julius, W. H., 386n letter to Sommerfeld, Arnold, 399n, 447n, 469n meeting with AE in Munich, AE's comments on, 290 meeting with W. H. Julius in Bern, 386 negative comment on Paul Ehrenfest, 447n on influence of temperature on X-ray diffraction, 562 promotion at University of Zurich, 394 W. H. Julius's request for AE's opinion on abilities of, 361 withdrawal from University of Zurich, 422n work on quantum theory of specific heat: 514, AE's comments on, 480, 505 Deslandres, Henri (1853-1948), 355, 356n Diamond, specific heat of, 245 Diels, Hermann (1848-1922): letter to Freundlich, Erwin, 596n Diffraction: AE's comments on paper by Fritz Reiche on, 182 Dipole, rotating: AE's and Adriaan Fokker's work on, 578-579 in radiation field, AE on, 359, 568 Dispersion, anomalous, in solar atmosphere: W. H. Julius on, 316. See also Sun, optical phenomena in atmosphere of Displacement law, Wien's, 27n, 41 AE's use of, 42n James Jeans's derivation of, 84n, 167 Michele Besso on, 342 Dissociation: Angelo Battelli and Annibale Stefanini on, 12 electrolytic, Max Roloff on, 13 Ernst Beckmann on, 13 Francois Marie Raoult on, 13 Friedrich Kohlrausch on, 13 Gustav Tammann on, 13 Michele Besso on, 13, 14, 343 role of gravitation in, Michele Besso on, 14 role of hydration in: 16n, Michele Besso on, 14 Svante Arrhenius on, 13 Wilhelm Ostwald on, 13 Distribution law, Maxwell's, 164 Doppler effect: in canal rays: AE on, 450, Johannes Stark's work on, 47n, 144, 144n, 452n, AE's comments on Johannes Stark's work on, 150 in solar atmosphere, 355 influence of on shape of solar spectral lines, 388 Doppler effect, transverse: in emission theory of light, Paul Ehrenfest on, 452n Dragging coefficient, Jakob Laub's paper on: AE's criticism of, 74 Max Laue's criti- cism of, 73 Dresden, GDNA meeting in, 75, 89n Dreyfus, Bertha (1871-1942), 558, 559n Dreyfus, Cosman (1835-1918), 237, 238n, 558 Dreyfus, Marie (1875-1943), 237, 238n, 558 marriage of, 559n Droste, Johannes (1886-1963), 569n candi- date as Assistent with AE in Berlin, 568, 603n Drude, Paul (1863-1906), 69n book on ether physics: AE's objections to, 431, Walter König's inquiry of AE's objections to, 430 Dübi, Ernst, 244 Dufour, Alexandre (1875-1942), 287n AE on abilities of, 287 Dukas, Helen (1896-1982): letter to Seelig, Carl, 202n Dulong and Petit law, 259, 280 Dutoit, Paul (1873-1944), 401, 402n Eclipse expedition: funding of, 581, 594n, 595, 596n. See also Gravitational light deflection, eclipse expedition Eder, Josef Maria (1855-1944), 212, 214n Ehlers, Ernst (1835-1925), 502n Ehrat, Jakob (1876-1960), 5, 5n, 20, 20n, 21, 21n, 557n, 589 AE's attempts to serve as