684 INDEX Ehrat, Jakob (cont.) matchmaker for, 591n AE's comments on, 5 appointment in Bieberstein/Rhön, 25, 26n Assistent at ETH, 6n, 26n change of residence in Winterthur, 590 mountain trip with Maurice Solovine, 248 marriage of, 590n marriage plans, AE's comments on, 592 possible position at Swiss Patent Office, 82 visit to AE in Bern, 82, 85 Ehrat, Jakob and Ehrat-Ühlinger, Emma: visit by AE, 158 Ehrat, Emma, 158 Ehrenfest, Anna (1910-1979), 428, 429n, 451 Ehrenfest, Emil (1865-?), 423n Ehrenfest, Paul (1880-1933), 251n, 292n, 429, 468, 540 AE's planned visit to, 563, 598n, 601, 602, 603, 607 candidacy for chair at University of Prague: 470, 474n, Max Abraham's recommendation for, 446, official evaluation of, 470-472 candidacy for chair at University of Zurich: AE's comments on, 446, Alfred Kleiner's oppo- sition to, 451 candidacy for H. A. Lorentz's chair at University of Leyden: 484, 490, 496n, appointment, 509n, AE's comments on appointment, 509 dispute with Vladimir Variöak on rigid body motion in relativity, 292n European tour of, 393n generalization of equivalence principle, 487-496 generalization of AE's work on photochemical equivalence: 440-444, AE's comments on, 451 Habi- litation attempts of: 408n, 422, 428n, 461, AE on, 408, 421, 427, Alfred Kleiner's role in, 421, 422n, Arnold Sommerfeld on, 463n, Arnold Sommerfeld's support of, 461, 476, opposition by ETH authorities to, 464n, Pierre Weiss's role in, 427, 451, 478n, AE's comments on Pierre Weiss's role in, 476 invited to Zurich by AE, 523 lecture in Prague: 474n, AE's praise of, 446 letter from Lampa, Anton, 452, 478n, 500n letter from Lorentz, H. A., 486n, 497n letter from Sommerfeld, Arnold, 463n letter from Weiss, Pierre, 464n, 521n letter to Ehrenfest, Tatiana, 254n, 408n, 422n, 423n, 428n, 474n letter to Joffe, Abram, 428n letter to Lampa, Anton, 473n letter to Laub, Jakob, 292n letter to Lorentz, H. A., 428n, 452 non- denominationalism of: 422n, 452n, AE's criticism of, 451 on fluctuations in radia- tion theory, 465 on rigid motion in special relativity, 211n on role of Wien's law in AE's work on photochemical equivalence, 442 on worldlines-field corresponding to static gravitational field, 460, 462 paper on radiation theory: AE's comments on, 339, Michele Besso's comments on, 343 paper on emission theory of light, AE's comments on, 450 passport confusion of, 423n Peter Debye's negative comment on, 447n planned visit to AE in Prague, 393 planned visit to AE in Zurich, 508 plans to accompany AE to ETH, 464n receives proofs of AE's second paper on static gravitational field, 455 theory of adiabatic invariants of, 564 visit to AE in Prague, 408, 422n, 428n visit to AE in Zurich, 524n, 569n visit to Gustav Herglotz in Leipzig, 393n visit to Marian von Smoluchowski in Lemberg, 429n Volga trip with Tatiana Ehrenfest, 460 Ehrenfest, Tatiana (1876-1964), 393n, 428, 440, 451, 524n letter from Ehrenfest, Paul, 254n, 408n, 409n, 422n, 423n, 428n, 474n Ehrenfest, Tatiana (1905-1984), 428, 429n, 451 Ehrenhaft, Felix (1879-1952), 290, 320, 322n experiments on elementary charge, controversy on, 291n, 320n Eichhorn, Gustav (1867-?), 430, 431n Einstein, Albert (1879-1955) career: anonymous grant: offered to, 260, accepted by, 262 applies for vacancy at Zurich Gymnasium, 92 consults Marcel Grossmann for appli- cation at Technikum Winterthur, 84n declines invitation by Eilhard Wiedemann to write book, 200 declines invitation by Leo Graetz, 264 declines invitation for lecture in Amsterdam, 277 declines invitation to Wolfskehl meeting, 502, 505 declines position offered by Johannes Stark: 167, Stark's reaction, 167 GDNA meeting in Salzburg, attendance of, 81n GDNA meeting in Vienna, paper