D O C . 4 7 I N T E R N A T I O N A L R E C O N C I L I A T I O N 2 0 1
47. On the Contribution of Intellectuals
to International Reconciliation
[Einstein 1920i]
Published after 29 September 1920
In: Thoughts on Reconciliation. New York: Deutscher Gesellig-Wissenschaftlicher Verein
von New York, 1920, pp. 10–11.
The most valuable contribution to a reconciliation of the nations and a perma-
nent fraternity of mankind is in
opinion contained in their scientific and ar-
tistic creations, because they raise the human mind above personal and national
aims of a selfish character. Concentration of energy upon those problems and aims
common to all people of intellect, produces quite naturally a feeling of comrade-
ship, which is bound always to re-unite the true scholars and artists of all countries,
though it is inevitable that the less great-hearted and less independent among them
will always be temporarily estranged by political and other
The intel-
lectuals should never weary of emphasizing the internationality of mankind’s most
beautiful treasures and their corporations should never stoop to foster political pas-
sions by public declarations or other
Finally I would remark,
that in my opinion it would be of value for the reconciliation of the nations if young
students and artists were to study to greater extent than heretofore in what were en-
emy countries
Direct experience counteracts more effectively those fatal
ideologies which under the influence of the World War have taken root in the
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