5 6 0 C A L E N D A R 1 9 1 9
April 1919 [77 947] (see entry for that date in Calendar) and
on the budget for next year, undated [77 948] (see previous
April 24 Submits “Comment about Periodical Fluctuations of Lunar
Longitude, Which So Far Appeared to Be Inexplicable in
Newtonian Mechanics” (Vol. 7, Doc. 18) to the physical-
mathematical class of the PAW.
The KWIP board of directors meets.
April 25 2-page TLS. The KWIP board of directors sends the follow-
ing proposal to the KWIP board of trustees:
Walter Steubing and Georg Wendt: for spectral research
apparatus 10,000 M (see entry of 14 April).
Wilhelm Hammer: instruments for measurement of electri-
cal oscillations 5,000 M.
Alfred Magnus: instruments for calorimetric measurements
3,000 M.
Ernst Wagner: high voltage battery for research on X-ray
spectra 10,000 M.
Erich Regener: apparatus for measuring the elementary
electric charge 7,000 M.
Hugo Seemann: apparatus for measurement of X-ray spec-
tra 3,000 M.
H. Bohlin (Friedrich Krüger): spectroscopic research on X-
rays 2,000 M.
Jakob Grommer: reimbursement for mathematical assis-
tance 1,200 M.
Wilhelm Westphal: assistance for research on radiometer
forces 3,000 M.
Karl Försterling: assistance for optical research on metals
2,000 M.
Leonhard Grebe: assistance for spectroscopic research
2,000 M.
Robert W. Pohl: materials and instruments for scientific
research 5,000 M.
[Ernst G. Paul] Günther: thermal research of solid amor-
phous substances 2,000 M.
Walter Kaufmann: apparatus for high frequency currents
3,000 M.
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