2 0 8 D O C U M E N T 7 5 J U L Y 1 9 2 0
sick. I hope I do not turn to you in vain, in the name of the German Central Com-
mittee, with the petition to contribute toward executing the assistance so kindly of-
fered and so willingly provided.
This request is being made completely unofficially, at the wish of the donors;
thus I ask you please to direct your reply to this letter to me personally, possibly as
a letter excerpt or in any similar form you wish, with an original signature.
I shall be happy to provide any additional information.
For the German Central Committee for Foreign Relief,
Elsa Herrmann, Jur[is]
75. From Max Born
Frankfurt-am-M[ain], 16 July 1920
Dear Einstein,
It’s highly probable that we’ll be going to Göttingen, specifically if Franck
receives the call and accepts; the faculty has nominated
Now the question
of my successor becomes acute. Schoenflies wanted to write you and ask for your
I want to have Stern, of
But Wachsmuth is not willing; he
said to me: “I esteem Stern very much, but he has such a demoralizing, Jewish
At least it’s open anti-Semitism. But Schoenflies and Lorenz want to
Wachsmuth proposes Kossel, a very cleverly designed proposal, since
obviously nothing can be said against him— at most, that he has no mathematical
proficiency; but that’s not a
Stern built up our little institute and thoroughly
deserves the recognition. I don’t have to point out his merits to you, obviously. Then
Lenz and Reiche still come into
perhaps other outsiders too. An
embarrassment of riches!– I asked Laue for an expert
perhaps it would
be good if you discussed it with him so that your judgments do not conflict with
each other.– I am very lazy now and hardly work at all; the only experiments I
pursue with enthusiasm are those on the free length of path of atomic beams of sil-
ver. My assistant is doing the thing very
Our apparatus system is completely
finished, but measurements are unlikely to start before the holidays, unfortunately.
We are setting out for Sulden in South Tyrol (Italy) on Aug. 6th; I am tremendously
looking forward to getting away from it all again and seeing something pretty. My
wife has recovered again a bit from the trying time after her mother’s
go on many excursions; that does her some good. Tomorrow we are traveling to the
Rhine, with which she is as yet unacquainted. The children are
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