3 5 8 I N D E X
EINSTEIN, ALBERT (1879–1955): SCIENCE (cont.)
Einstein 1910a, on, 4–5
Einstein 1919a, on, 232
Einstein, Edith, on dissertation of, 122,
Electromagnetic field, primacy over pon-
derable matter, 310
Eötvös’s law, 9
Flight, on theory of, 25, 28
Forces, atomic and molecular, on inade-
quate knowledge of, 306
Formal analogies in physics, 310
Grossmann, Marcel, collaboration with,
Guillaume, Edouard: on considerations
of, 210–211, 223, 259; unable to un-
derstand considerations of, 205, 223,
225, 241, 271, 272, 335
Haber, Fritz, on experimental proposal by,
Hall effect, 314
Julius, Willem, discussion with on solar
physics, 163
Kamerlingh Onnes, Heike: discussions
with, 168; visits laboratory of, 156
Lenard, Philipp, debate with at GDNÄ
meeting in Bad Nauheim, 275
Lewis and Tolman 1909, on, 7
Light emission and absorption, 25, 28
Lorentz, Hendrik A.: attends colloquium
of, 136; attends lecture of, 159; discus-
sions with, 174; talks on gravitation
theory and eclipse results with, 139
Meeting on magnetism in Leyden (“Mag-
net-Woche”), 222, 233
Nernst’s heat theorem, 10, 12
Polak, Martin, debate with, 173
Probability, comments on Heinrich Zang-
ger’s manuscript on, 99
Quantum theory: of Sommerfeld and Ep-
stein, works by on, 50; on Kottler’s
singularities in light waves as quanta,
220; Bohr’s derivation of quantum
states, 151; derivation of Planck’s ra-
diation formula, 29, 216
Radiation, theory, 6
Redshift: 192; and Weyl’s theory, 215–
216; changes due to eccentricity of
Earth’s orbit, 36; observational diffi-
culties, 36–37, 215; solar observation
of, 215; on Grebe and Bachem’s re-
sults, 209; on Grebe’s measurements,
261; stellar observation of, 36, 144–
145; terrestrial, for measuring gravita-
tional potential of Earth, 36
Relativity and thermodynamics, common
principles of, 73
Relativity, general: absolute differential
calculus, 13; acceptance of, 20, 39, 48,
in the Netherlands, 31; and Entwurf
theory, 21; eclipse expedition of 1919,
140; energy tensor in, De Donder on,
232; gravitational waves in, 25, 28, 38;
light deflection, corrected value of,
309; meaning of dt in, 210; Mercury
perihelion in, 19, 37; new derivation of
gravitational field equations, 14; no
more task in, 24; on influence of grav-
itation on clocks, 223–224; rotating
magnets and conductors in, 217
Relativity, special: Doppler shift, 260;
electrodynamic field of moving rods,
5–6; light wavefront in, 345; rotation
of solid bodies in, 3–8; reality of
length contraction, 7
Schweizerische Naturforschende Gesell-
schaft, Congress, intends to participate
in, 77
Sommerfeld: praises for quantum theoret-
ical results, 40; praises Sommerfeld
1921, 337
Specific heat of H molecule, 282
Stokes-Planck ether, 149
Time, reversal invariance of in living or-
ganisms and in fundamental theories
of physics, 31–32
Teyler Foundation, visit to Physics Labo-
ratory of, 30
Unified field theory: connection between
gravitation and electromagnetism, 37;
on overdetermination, 315
Viscosity of suspensions, calculates, 6
Weyl, Hermann: difficulty with publica-
tion of paper by, 99; measuring-rod in-
variance of, arguments against, 216–
217; on Hamiltonian of, 37
Wöhlisch, Edgar, on relationship between
molecular volume and heat of combus-
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