D O C U M E N T 3 9 9 A P R I L 1 9 2 0 5 3 7
TLC. [44 631]. Addressee’s name is typed above salutation: “Herrn Dr. Paul Oppenheim Frankfurt
[1]In Doc. 394.
[2]Edouard Guillaume had written to Einstein about his critique of relativity in Doc. 280 (see
Guillaume 1920).
[3]Varcollier 1918 is a report on the theory of relativity which contrives not to mention Einstein.
[4]Fabre planned to publish a popular treatment of relativity for a prominent French journal (see
Doc. 394).
[5]In early April, Maurice Solovine had inquired about the feasibility of writing a popularization
of the general theory of relativity in French, not a translation of Einstein 1917a (Vol. 6, Doc. 42). See
Doc. 372. On 24 April, Gaston Moch had approached Einstein with a request of translating the work
(see entry for this date in Calendar), which Einstein politely postponed in his reply a few days later
(see entry of 30 April in Calendar) on the grounds that an “impecunious friend” (Solovine) already
owned a “moral right” to the translation.
Solovine’s financial straits were well-known to Einstein from their days together in Bern (see Ein-
stein to Maurice Solovine, 27 April 1906 [Vol. 5, Doc. 36]). Solovine was nicknamed “v. Insolvini”
by the fellow members of the Olympia Academy (see Einstein and Maurice Solovine to Conrad Ha-
bicht, 14 December 1909 [Vol. 5, Doc. 191]).
Jeanne Rouvière and Emile Borel had also already proposed a translation of Einstein 1917a
(Vol. 6, Doc. 42) on 23 February (see entry for this date in Calendar), to which Einstein had given his
preliminary consent (see entry of 8 March in Calendar).
[6]Weyl 1918b; Hermann Weyl.
[7]Einstein had agreed to speak to the literary club of the Frankfurter Gesellschaft für Handel, Indu-
strie und Wissenschaft upon Oppenheim’s invitation (see Oppenheim to Elsa Einstein, entry of
5 March, and Einstein’s correspondence with Georg Swarzenski, entries of 14 April and after 14 April
in Calendar).
[8]To lecture at the University of Christiania (Oslo), at the invitation of the Norwegian Students’
[9]Gabriella Oppenheim-Errera; father Moritz Nathan Oppenheim and his wife, Katharina née
Edle von Kuffner (1862–1933).
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