1 6 D O C . 1 8 A P R I L 1 9 1 9 much with your legs, d[ear] Mother. Even so, it is better to have nerve pain than something else because there’s nothing deep-rooted about it.[7] Another 50 marks will be sent to Marie D. [8] it would have already happened if my female kin hadn’t forgotten. Now I have to go and the letter shouldn’t wait any longer. Affectionate greetings to you all, yours, Albert. Regards to Uncle Jakob.[9] 18. From Max von Laue Würzburg, 40 Mergentheimer St., 7 April 1919 Dear Einstein, Today all sorts of general strikes[1] are starting here and heaven only knows when and how you will get this letter. I still want to write it immediately, though, in order to be of service, as far as I can, in this matter. You have probably already received Dr. Seemann’s letter, in which he applies for a stipend to permit him to conduct scientific research at leisure for the next few years.[2] I would like to recommend this application most warmly. In the years that I have now been here in Würzburg, I came to know Seemann sufficiently well to be able to mention with a clear conscience his experimental skill (which is re- vealed specifically in his construction of new apparatus and experimental setups), his avid enthusiasm, and his very great diligence. As long as German science has any means of giving such a man financial security, it absolutely must do so, the more so since his hearing impairment bars him from a large number of other ave- nues. His whole way of life shows that there need be no fear of his using the stipend for any wasteful disbursements whatsoever. From the conversation that Dr. Seemann and I had about this issue, I would also like to mention that he has a monthly interest income of 150 marks from private means and that it is important to him to receive the stipend for as long a period as possible so that during the research he is now planning he does not always have to keep an eye out for some other occupation. A fixed stipend for one or two years would be of little use to him. I would naturally be very happy to give you more information about Seemann and can perhaps soon give it to you in person. Yet, who knows what will happen in 4 weeks! With cordial regards, yours, M. Laue.
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