5 7 0 CALENDAR 1920
May 6 Arrives in Utrecht.
2-page TLS from Bernhard Harms. Thanks for agreeing to
lecture there (see Bernhard Harms to Einstein, after 21 April
1920 in Vol. 9, Calendar), and proposes 15 September as
possible date. [44 129].
May 7 Arrives in Leyden.
1-page TLC to Christian Jensen from Ilse Einstein on behalf
of Einstein. The KWIP board of directors rejects his appli-
cation of 14 May 1919 (Vol. 9, Calendar) since it supports
only pure physics research. GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 34, Nr. 5,
Mappe Jensen. [78 096].
1-page TLC to Friedrich Schuh from Ilse Einstein on behalf
of Einstein. The KWIP board of directors rejects his appli-
cation of 17 October 1919 (Vol. 9, Calendar) since it sup-
ports only pure physics research. GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 34, Nr.
10, Mappe Schuh. [77 607].
1-page TLS from Adolf von Harnack. Invites the directors
of KWG institutes to a meeting on 12 May, when new
regulations concerning salaries will be discussed. GyBP, I.
Abt., Rep. 34, Nr. 6, Mappe KWG. [78 109].
May 8 1-page TLS from Adolf Wermuth, Mayor of Greater Berlin.
Requests a popular lecture on relativity for the members of
the City Council, higher-rank officials, and directors of col-
leges. [44 614].
May 11 2-page ADS to PAW. Max Planck, Emil Warburg, Heinrich
Rubens, Walther Nernst, Theodor Liebisch, Erhard
Schneider, and Einstein propose Max von Laue as ordinary
member of PAW. GyBAW, II-III, Bd. 38, Bl. 129. [79 311].
2-page TLS from R. W. Drechsler, German Embassy in The
Hague. The German envoy in the Netherlands, Friedrich
Rosen, invites him to The Hague, and requests an invitation
to Einstein’s Leyden lecture. [9 488].
1-page TLS from Will Großmann, “Wostok” publishing
house, to Ilse Einstein. Asks for Einstein’s consent to an
honorarium of 500 M for the right to translate Einstein
1918k into Russian. [41 1106].
1-page TLS from Erich Marx, chairman of the municipal
council of Greater Berlin. The executive committee unani-
mously decides to grant 10,000 M for an Einstein Institute