C H R O N O L O G Y , 1 9 0 0 – 1 9 0 1 1 8 1
Oct 11 Registers at Dolderstr. 17 in Zurich, Henriette Hägi’s new
Dec 13 Submits his first scientific paper, on capillarity, to the
Annalen der Physik (“Conclusions Drawn from the Phe-
nomena of Capillarity” [Vol. 2, Doc. 1]).
end of Dec Spends the holiday season with his parents, returning to
Zurich by 3 January.
Feb 21 Obtains Swiss citizenship.
Mar–Apr Applies unsuccessfully for a position as Assistent to several
Mar 1 His first scientific paper is published in the Annalen der
Mar 13 Is classified for Swiss auxiliary military service on medical
Mar 23 Travels to Milan.
May 5 Leaves Milan for Winterthur. In Como, he joins Maric; for a
short trip over the Splügen Pass.
May 16–Jul 11 Is substitute teacher at the Technical School in Winterthur.
On weekends, he often visits Maric; in Zurich.
May 17 Registers his departure from Zurich to Winterthur.
May 21 Registers at Äußere Schaffhauserstr. 38 in Winterthur,
where he rooms in the house of Maria Wachter.
July Vacations with his mother in Mettmenstetten.
Jul 3 Applies unsuccessfully for a secondary-school position at
the Technical School in Burgdorf.
late Jul Applies unsuccessfully for a secondary-school position in
ca. Sep 15 Begins work as a tutor at the Lehr- und Erziehungsanstalt,
Dr. Jakob Nüesch’s private boarding school in Schaff-
hausen. Begins work on a dissertation on molecular forces
in gases.
Oct 2 Registers with the military authorities in Schaffhausen.
While there, lives at three addresses: Fulachstr. 22
(Nüesch’s school), Fulachstr. 6 (Baumer family), Bahnhof-
str. 102 (the Cardinal Inn).