C H R O N O L O G Y , 1 9 0 6 – 1 9 0 7 1 8 5
Jan 13 Participates in discussion following E. Stähli’s lecture on
“Microscopy with Ultraviolet Rays and the Ultramicro-
scope” delivered to the Naturforschende Gesellschaft of
Jan 15 Receives doctorate from the University of Zurich.
Mar 10 Promoted to Technical Expert second class with a salary
increase to 4,500 francs, effective 1 April.
Mar 13 “On the Theory of Light Production and Light Absorption”
(Vol. 2, Doc. 34).
May 17 “The Principle of Conservation of Motion of the Center of
Gravity and the Inertia of Energy” (Vol. 2, Doc. 35).
Jun 1 Registers residence at Aegertenstr. 53, Bern.
first half of Aug Publishes review of M. Planck, Lectures on the Theory of
Thermal Radiation (Vol. 2, Doc. 37).
Aug 4 “On a Method for the Determination of the Ratio of the
Transverse and the Longitudinal Mass of the Electron”
(Vol. 2, Doc. 36).
Nov 9 “Planck’s Theory of Radiation and the Theory of Specific
Heat” (Vol. 2, Doc. 38).
Dec 12 “On the Limit of Validity of the Law of Thermodynamic
Equilibrium and on the Possibility of a New Determination
of the Elementary Quanta” (Vol. 2, Doc. 39).
Jan 22 “Theoretical Remarks on Brownian Motion” (Vol.2,
Doc. 40).
Mar 3 “Correction to My Paper: ‘Planck’s Theory of Radiation
etc.’” (Vol. 2, Doc. 42).
Mar 17 “On the Possibility of a New Test of the Relativity Prin-
ciple” (Vol. 2, Doc. 41).
Mar 23 Lectures “On the Nature of the Movements of Microscopi-
cally Small Particles Suspended in Liquids” to Naturfor-
schende Gesellschaft of Bern (Vol. 2, Doc. 43).
Apr 16 “Comments on the Note of Mr. Paul Ehrenfest: ‘The Trans-
latory Motion of Deformable Electrons and the Area Law’”
(Vol. 2, Doc. 44).
May 14 “On the Inertia of Energy Required by the Relativity Princi-
ple” (Vol. 2, Doc. 45), in which Einstein first uses the phrase
“the equivalence of mass and energy.”