1 9 2 C H R O N O L O G Y , 1 9 1 1 1 9 1 2
Sep H. Zangger visits Einstein in Prague and discusses possibil-
ity of a position at the ETH.
Sep 25, 27 Participates in discussion of lectures by W. Nernst, A. Som-
merfeld, and H. Rubens at the Karlsruhe meeting of the
GDNÄ (Vol. 3, Doc. 24).
Oct 1 Winter semester at the German University begins. Einstein
teaches courses in mechanics and thermodynamics, and also
conducts seminar discussions.
Oct 9–14 Gives a series of eight lectures, “Über einige neuere
Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der theoretischen Physik” to a
conference for secondary-school teachers in Zurich.
Oct 14 Travels to Bern to consult with Ludwig Forrer on a call to
the ETH.
Oct 18 Returns to Prague.
Oct 29 Arrives in Brussels for first Solvay Congress.
Oct 30 Contributes discussion remarks at the Solvay Congress
(Vol. 3, Doc. 25).
Nov H. Poincaré recommends Einstein for a position at the ETH.
Nov 2 or 3 Lectures at Solvay Congress on “The Current State of the
Problem of Specific Heat” (Vol. 3, Doc. 26) and participates
in discussion (Vol. 3, Doc. 27).
Nov 17 M. Curie recommends Einstein for a position at the ETH.
Dec 19–25 Meets in Zurich with R. Gnehm, president of the ETH, to
finalize details of an appointment there.
Dec 21 W. Ostwald again nominates Einstein for Nobel Prize in
Physics, citing his contribution in relativity.
Begins work on a manuscript on electrodynamics and rela-
tivity theory (Vol. 4, Doc. 1).
Jan E. Pringsheim, C. Schaefer, and W. Wien propose that H. A.
Lorentz and Einstein share the 1912 Nobel Prize for the
development of the relativity principle.
Jan 18 “Thermodynamic Proof of the Law of Photochemical
Equivalence” (Vol. 4, Doc. 2).
Jan 30 Appointed Professor of Theoretical Physics at the ETH with
annual salary of 11,000 francs.
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