1 9 4 C H R O N O L O G Y , 1 9 1 2 1 9 1 3
Aug 10 Registers his change of residence from Prague to Hofstr.
116, Zurich.
Sep 2 “Comment on Abraham’s Preceding Discussion ‘Once
Again, Relativity and Gravitation’” (Vol. 4, Doc. 9).
Oct 3 Winter semester at the ETH begins. Einstein teaches courses
in analytical mechanics and thermodynamics, and a physics
Oct 29 Supports a request by O. Stern to be considered Einstein’s
collaborator (Mitarbeiter) rather than a student of the ETH.
Dec 19 Is asked to serve as examiner for students working toward a
degree in mathematics at the ETH.
Dec 30 W. Ostwald again nominates Einstein for the Nobel Prize in
Physics, citing his contribution to relativity; B. Naunyn and
W. Wien lend their support.
Jan 5 “Some Arguments for the Assumption of Molecular Agita-
tion at Absolute Zero” (with Otto Stern) (Vol. 4, Doc. 11).
Jan 16 Asked to administer Diplom examinations in theoretical
Mar 7–8 Lecture on “Energy at Absolute Zero and Theoretical For-
mulae of Radiation” at Zurich meeting of the Swiss Physi-
cal Society.
Mar 20 “Remark Added in Proof” (with Otto Stern) (Vol. 4,
Doc. 11).
Mar 22 Winter semester at the ETH ends.
Mar 27 Lecture on “Thermodynamic Deduction of the Law of Pho-
tochemical Equivalence” at Paris meeting of the French
Physical Society (Vol. 4, Doc. 12).
Apr 15 Summer semester at the ETH begin. Einstein teaches
courses in the mechanics of continua and the molecular the-
ory of heat, a physics seminar, and supervises exercises in
physics (with P. Weiss).
May Begins working with M. Besso on calculations on the
motion of the perihelion of Mercury (Vol. 4, Doc. 14).
before May 28 Completes “Outline of a Generalized Theory of Relativity
and of a Theory of Gravitation” (with M. Grossmann)
(Vol. 4, Doc. 13).
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