This bibliography lists all references by named authors that are cited in volumes 1–10 of
the Collected Papers of Albert Einstein, as well as the pages in the individual volumes on
which these publications are cited. Excluded from this list are any items that were not listed
under a named, personal author or editor, for example, Vorlesungsverzeichnisse, Adress-
verzeichnisse, Statuten, Verhandlungen, Jahresberichte, Journal runs, and others.
In the individual volumes of the Collected Papers series, references are identified by
means of a short title of the form Author(s) year. Different publications by the same author
in the same year are distinguished by trailing characters, “a,” “b,” etc. In general, the use of
these short titles is not consistent between different volumes of the series. Therefore, in the
cumulative list of citations given at the end of each reference, the bold number refers to the
volume number, and the text in italics following it is the short title under which the refer-
ence was cited in that particular volume. The same applies to cross-references to other items
within a bibliographic reference.
In the list of citations, a trailing “n” to the page number indicates that the citation occurs
in a note and a trailing “c” indicates that the citation occurs in the Calendar.
For publications by Albert Einstein, published before 1922, see “Einstein Bibliography,
1901–1921,” pp. 45–91.
Abbe, Ernst. Die Lehre von der Bildentstehung
im Mikroskop. Lummer, Otto and Reiche,
Fritz, ed. Braunschweig: Vieweg, 1910.
Cited: 5 Abbe 1910: 625c.
Abderhalden, Emil. Lehrbuch der physiologi-
schen Chemie in Vorlesungen. 3d ed. Part 1,
Die organischen Nahrungsstoffe und ihr Ver-
halten im Zellstoffwechsel. Berlin: Urban &
Schwarzenberg, 1914.
Cited: 8 Abderhalden 1914: 889n.
Abraham, Max. “Die electrischen Schwingun-
gen um einen stabförmigen Leiter, behandelt
nach der Maxwell’schen Theorie.” Annalen
der Physik und Chemie 66 (1898): 435–472.
Cited: 1 Abraham 1898: 259n.
———. “Geometrische Grundbegriffe.” In
Encyklopädie der mathematischen Wissen-
schaften, mit Einschluss ihrer Anwendungen.
Vol. 4, Mechanik, part 3, pp. 3–47. Klein,
Felix, and Müller, Conrad, eds. Leipzig:
Teubner, 1901–1908. Issued 6 June 1901.
Cited: 4 Abraham 1901: 232n.
———. “Dynamik des Elektrons.” Königliche
Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttin-
gen. Mathematisch-physikalische Klasse.
Nachrichten (1902): 20–41.
Cited: 2 Abraham 1902a: 269, 270, 310n,
372n, 412n, 461, 486n. 8 Abraham 1902:
———. “Prinzipien der Dynamik des Elek-
trons.” Physikalische Zeitschrift 4 (1902):
Cited: 2 Abraham 1902b: 269, 270, 310n,
372n, 412n, 553n.
———. “Prinzipien der Dynamik des Elek-
trons.” Annalen der Physik 10 (1903): 105–
Cited: 2 Abraham 1903: 260, 261, 269, 270,
308n, 310n, 372n, 412n, 553n.
———. “Der Lichtdruck auf einen bewegten
Spiegel und das Gesetz der schwarzen Strah-
lung.” In Festschrift Ludwig Boltzmann
gewidmet zum sechzigsten Geburtstage 20.
Februar 1904, pp. 85–93. Meyer, Stefan, ed.
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