Volume 4: The Swiss Years: Writings 1912-1914

Volume 4: The Swiss Years: Writings 1912-1914
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Table of Contents
Volume 4: The Swiss Years: Writings 1912-1914
- List of Texts ix9
- Introduction to Volume 4 xiii13
- Supplement to the Editorial Method in Previous Volumes xix19
- Acknowledgments xx20
- Note on the Translation xxi21
- Location Symbols and Descriptive Symbols xxii22
- TEXTS 123
- 1. Manuscript on the Special Theory of Relativity 931
- 2. "Thermodynamic Proof of the Law of Photochemical Equivalence" 114136
- 3. "The Speed of Light and the Statics of the Gravitational Field" 129151
- 4. "On the Theory of the Static Gravitational Field" and "Note Added in Proof" 146168
- 5. "Supplement to My Paper: 'Thermodynamic Proof of the Law of Photochemical Equivalence' " 165187
- 6. "Response to a Comment by J. Stark: 'On an Application of Planck's Fundamental Law ...' " 171193
- 7. "Is There a Gravitational Effect Which Is Analogous to Electrodynamic Induction?" 174196
- 8. "Relativity and Gravitation. Reply to a Comment by M. Abraham" 180202
- 9. "Comment on Abraham's Preceding Discussion 'Once Again, Relativity and Gravitation' " 189211
- 10. Research Notes on a Generalized Theory of Relativity 201223
- 11. "Some Arguments for the Assumption of Molecular Agitation at Absolute Zero" and "Remark Added in Proof" 274296
- 12. "Thermodynamic Deduction of the Law of Photochemical Equivalence" 286308
- 13. Outline of a Generalized Theory of Relativity and of a Theory of Gravitation 302324
- 14. Einstein and Besso: Manuscript on the Motion of the Perihelion of Mercury 360382
- 15. "Theory of Gravitation" 474496
- 16. "Physical Foundations of a Theory of Gravitation" 477499
- 17. "On the Present State of the Problem of Gravitation" 486508
- 18. "Discussion" following lecture version of "On the Present State of the Problem of Gravitation" 504526
- 19. Lecture Notes for Course on Electricity and Magnetism at the ETH, Winter Semester 1913/1914 512534
- 20. "Theoretical Atomism" 520542
- 21. "Theory of Relativity" 535557
- 22. Discussion remarks following lectures delivered at second Solvay Congress 552574
- 23. "Max Planck as Scientist" 560582
- 24. "Supplementary Response to a Question by Mr. Reißner" 566588
- 25. "On the Foundations of the Generalized Theory of Relativity and the Theory of Gravitation" 571593
- 26. "Comments" on "Outline of a Generalized Theory of Relativity and of a Theory of Gravitation" 579601
- 27. "On the Theory of Gravitation" 583605
- 28. "Nordstrom's Theory of Gravitation from the Point of View of the Absolute Differential Calculus" 588610
- 29. "Method for the Determination of Statistical Values of Observations Regarding Quantities Subject to Irregular Fluctuations" 598620
- 30. "A Method for the Statistical Use of Observations of Apparently Irregular, Quasiperiodic Processess" 603625
- 31. "On the Relativity Problem" 608630
- A. Summaries of Einstein's Courses at the ETH 623645
- B. Facsimile Reproduction of the Manuscript of Document 14 630652
- Literature Cited 683705
- Indexes 699721