D O C U M E N T 2 9 6 N O V E M B E R 1 9 2 1 3 4 5
Hier kam ich eigentlich einen Tag zu früh an. Meine Buben hängen nun sehr an mir
Beide sind intelligent, musikalisch und noch ganz kindlich. Letzteres ist wohl der
frohmütigen Züricher Athmosphäre zu danken. Alle drei erklären, in Zürich blei-
ben zu wollen, wenn es irgend angeht. Ich habe nichts dagegen trotz
Ehrenfests Haus ist sehr fröhlich, durch die Kinder und die beiden
Aber ich komme auch gern wieder heim. Nur ein bischen Angst auf den Postsegen
hab ich. Hoffentlich renkt Ilse ihre Beziehungen zu Dr. S. wieder ein, andernfalls
ich selbst einen Versuch machen werde, wenn ich wieder in Berlin
Seid alle drei geküsst von Euerm
Wieder ein hübsches
Ich armer Unglücklicher. Ihr sollt sie in
einen Schleier hüllen, wenn ich heimkomme.
ALS. [143 118].
[1]Probably a reference to the coded manner in which Sigmund Zeisler had informed Einstein of
how he had invested the $4,300 he had received from Samuel Untermyer (see Doc. 272).
[2]Einstein’s participation in the colloquium and his lectures were part of his obligations as Special
Professor at the University of Leyden (see Vol. 10, Introduction, pp. xliii–xlv).
[3]Tatiana, Anna, Paul Jr., and Wassily.
[4]Possibly a reference to the photograph of Hans Albert and Eduard which Einstein planned to
send to Anna, the former Berlin domestic helper (see Doc. 218).
[5]For the terms offered to Einstein in the two invitations from Japan, see Docs. 245 and 247. Ein-
stein had informed Kôshin Murobuse that he planned to travel to Japan in the autumn of 1922 (see
Doc. 246).
[6]Einstein had lectured in Bologna (see Doc. 275).
[7]Maja Winteler-Einstein and Paul Winteler, who had recently moved from Lucerne to Florence
(see Doc. 260).
[8]Possibly a reference to Winteler’s shares in the Schweizerische Auer-Aktien-Gesellschaft
(SAG) which had apparently been confiscated in the United States (see Doc. 272), and to Leopold
Koppel, the majority shareholder in the company, whose interests Winteler represented in the Verwal-
tungsrat of the SAG (see Einstein to Heinrich Zangger, 28 February 1919 [Vol. 9, Doc. 7], and Paul
Winteler to Einstein, 10 December 1919 [Vol. 9, Doc. 206b, in Vol. 10]).
[9]Fiesole is located approximately 8 kilometers northeast of Florence.
[10]Winteler had taken early retirement from the Swiss Federal Railroads at the end of 1920 (see
Paul Winteler to Einstein, 1 December 1920 [Vol. 10, Doc. 218]; Rogger 2005, pp. 64–67, attributes
the retirement to Winteler’s dissatisfaction with his position). Maja had been trained as a teacher at
the Lehrerinnenseminar in Aarau, yet after she married she was employed only sporadically as a sub-
stitute teacher (see Vol. 1, her Biography; Maja Winteler-Einstein to Einstein, 10 June 1918 [Vol. 8,
Doc. 561a, in Vol. 10], and Rogger 2005, p. 58).
[11]Einstein had been invited to Bologna by Federigo Enriques (see Doc. 152). On the lectures in
Padova, see 27 October 1921 in Calendar.
[12]Michele Besso.
[13]Mathias Winteler, who was the Swiss trade agent in Shanghai and had even been the Swiss con-
sul for a brief time (see Rogger 2005, pp. 33 and 196).
[14]One of Winteler’s brothers, Julius (also known as Jost Jr.), had killed their mother, Pauline Win-
teler-Eckart, their brother-in-law, Ernst Bandi, and himself in 1906 (see Vol. 1, Biography of Jost and
Pauline Winteler, and Rogger 2005, pp. 33–38).
[15]Einstein had informed Mileva Einstein-Maric; that he could not reside in her apartment during
his planned stay in Zurich due to a possible public scandal (see Doc. 260).
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