C A L E N D A R 1 9 2 1 4 4 5
TLC to Alexander Silverman. He may stop in Pittsburgh on
7 May for half a day but will have no time for a lecture.
[36 236].
TLC to Arthur G. Webster. Cannot accept his invitation to
visit Clark University. [36 208].
Apr 19 Second lecture at CCNY on the development of the special
theory of relativity. The Campus (CCNY), 29 Apr.
before Apr 20 American Jewish Physicians Committee established in New
York on occasion of visit of Zionist Organisation’s delega-
tion. Decision taken to raise $1 million for the Hebrew Uni-
versity. Jüdische Rundschau, 20 Apr.
Apr 20 Third lecture at CCNY on general theory of relativity and
gravitation. New York Times, 21 Apr; The Campus (CCNY),
29 Apr.
TL to Ernest G. Barker. Informs of possible departure dates
from New York. He will first lecture at University of
Manchester, then arrive in London for his lecture at King’s
College. Is unable to give precise dates. [44 137].
TLC to D. D. Lann. Because of a strict schedule he can visit
the University of Wisconsin only during his next trip to the
U.S. Attaches informational material on Hebrew University.
[36 263].
Apr 21 Fourth lecture at CCNY on the ether and radiation.
Addresses the student body. New York Times, 22 Apr; The
Campus (CCNY), 26 and 29 Apr.
Elsa Einstein attends reception held by Hadassah Organiza-
tion in her and Vera Weizmann’s honor in New York. Elsa to
Mrs. Rosenbloom, n.d. IsJRWW. [120 955]; New Palestine,
29 Apr.
TLS from Henry A. Miers. Repeats invitation of 19 Mar and
expects the lectures to be delivered at least in part in
English. [44 377].
Apr 22 TLC from Elmer E. Brown. Happy that AE is prepared to
lecture on 28 Apr in the afternoon. The location will be Uni-
versity Heights. NNU. [84 915].
TLS from J. Stanley Durkee to Zionist Organization of
America. Invites AE to Howard University, Washington,
D.C., the best place “to touch this great Negro race of more
than twelve millions in America.” [36 218].