4 5 4 C A L E N D A R 1 9 2 1
Tgm from Richard B. Haldane inviting AE to dine on 28
Jun “at 28 Queen Ann’s Gate to meet a few prominent
people.” [32 626].
TLC from IE to District Housing Office. In reply to its letter
of 10 May (Calendar), the Einstein family cannot renounce
two rooms in favor of subletters, since AE is a university
professor entitled to have a separate room, and director of
KWIP, which is also located in their private apartment.
Attaches supporting letters from the rector of the University
of Berlin and State Minister Friedrich Schmidt-Ott.
[44 999].
Tgm from Abraham Goldstein, director of the state regional
Zionist Union of Connecticut, to Chaim Weizmann.
Appeals to Weizmann to persuade AE to visit Hartford, as
“Einsteins disappointing Hartford will injure Keren Haye-
sod in Connecticut.” IsJCZA, Z4/303. [89 053].
May 21 Attends reception and banquet “tendered by the American
Jewish Physicians Committee” in honor of Chaim Weiz-
mann, AE, Shmarya Levin, and Ben-Zion Mossinson at the
Waldorf-Astoria in New York. Gives speech at the banquet,
which eight hundred Jewish physicians attended. At the
banquet, the fund-raising goal for the establishment of a
medical faculty at the Hebrew University was set at $1 mil-
lion, and $250,000 was subscribed. Invitation to the recep-
tion and banquet in DLC, Papers of Jacques Loeb, mm
73030429, Container 4 [87 484]; New York Times, 22 May;
Jüdische Rundschau, 1 Jul, and Ratnoff 1921, p. 7.
May 22 Visits Hartford with Chaim Weizmann, Shmarya Levin, and
Solomon Ginzberg. Gives a short talk in the Hartford theater
on the importance of Palestine for the Jews. Hartford Daily
Times, Hartford Daily Courant, 23 May.
In the evening, visits New Haven. New Haven Journal-Cou-
rier, 23 May.
May 23 Visits Heights campus of New York University, plants a
tree. NNU.
The editor of Nature requests that AE’s lecture, to be deliv-
ered at King’s College, be published. [44 521].
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