printed version. If more than one such version is available, we select the one that in
our opinion agrees most closely with features characteristic of the author’s style,
orthography, and punctuation, departing from the text only to correct unambiguous
typographical errors.
In the case of published items, we take the first version published in the original
language as our primary text. Variations in later editions of Einstein’s publications
that were prepared during his lifetime are noted. If an original manuscript is
available, small differences are recorded in endnotes. If the manuscript diverges
substantially from the printed version, the dissimilar portions of the manuscript are
presented as a separate text, preceding the printed version. When no manuscript,
typescript, or printed version in the original language is available, a published
translation is used. If in addition to a German text, an English translation, autho-
rized by Einstein as the first or only published version, is available, both texts are
Where a set of discussion fragments in Einstein’s hand exists, it will serve as the
source of a text rather than the published version of those remarks. Significant vari-
ations in all available texts will be noted.
All documents are presented chronologically within a volume. Each document is
given a sequential number and an English title that is a translation of the original
title, when such a title exists. Letters are titled by the name of the author or recipient
other than Einstein; Einstein’s name as author or recipient is omitted. For any single
date, and in alphabetical order by receiver or sender, outgoing letters by Einstein
are presented first, followed by incoming letters.
Published writings are reproduced in facsimile; all other material included in
this edition is newly typeset. Texts are ordered chronologically. Published papers
are dated by the date of completion, if known; otherwise, by the date of submission,
reception, or publication. If a temporal span is attributed to a document, the earlier
date determines its position in the volume. An undated text enclosed with or insert-
ed in a document follows the latter, unless evidence suggests a different placement.
A dateline is placed flush right above the text, regardless of its position in the
original. Editorial additions or corrections to the dateline are in square brackets,
with question marks following uncertain parts of the dateline, or in the descriptive
note. The designation “circa,” abbreviated “ca.,” indicates uncertainty within a few
units of the designated day, month, or year. The dates of completion, submission,
and publication of printed articles are added, if known, together with the source of
the printed version. If address information is repeated by the author at the foot of a