Dietmar Schenk, Universitätsarchiv, Universität der Künste, Berlin; Veronika
Ševc=íková, National Library of the Czech Republic, Prague; Don C. Skemer, Rare
Books and Special Collections, Princeton University; Jonathan Smith, Trinity Col-
lege Library, Cambridge; Christian Stifter, Österreichisches Volkshochschularchiv,
Vienna; Alfredo Tiomno Tolmasquim, History of Science Archive at the Museum
of Astronomy, Rio de Janeiro; Lucilla Vespucci, Library of the Department of
Mathematics “Guido Castelnuovo,” University of Rome; Vladimir P. Vizgin, Insti-
tute of History of Science and Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Moscow; Barbara Welker, Centrum Judaicum, Berlin; Ann Wollock, American
Friends of the Hebrew University, New York; Worcester Public Library Reference
Staff; and Orna Zeltzer, Weizmann Institute Archives, Rehovoth.
Intensive work has been carried out at the Einstein Papers Project by talented
and dedicated students. We thank William Coulter, Daniel Obenshain, and Lernik
Our activities and well-being at Caltech have been furthered by the assistance
and generosity of Susan Davis, Jonathan Katz, Paul Jennings, Gail Nash, Ed
Stolper and many other colleagues.
We thank our longtime copyeditor, Alice Calaprice, who has freelanced for us
since retiring from Princeton University Press.
Many thanks to everyone at Princeton University Press, especially to Linny
Schenck, Terri O’Prey, and Leslie Flis, our production team; Brigitta van Rhein-
berg; Neil Litt; Adam Fortgang; Martha Camp; and Peter Dougherty, its director.
We dedicate this volume to the memory of John Archibald Wheeler, distin-
guished physicist, who as a young professor at Princeton University in the 1950s
reinvigorated general relativity and gravitation research and teaching in the United
States. He knew Einstein, admired him, and was deeply involved over many
decades with the Collected Papers of Albert Einstein. In April 1971, he participated
in the first official Editorial Advisory Board meeting of the “Writings of Albert
Einstein,” as the incipient project was then called.