D O C U M E N T S 2 2 4 , 2 2 5 S E P T E M B E R 1 9 2 1 1 5 1
Make inquiries, d. Albert, about your travel permit to Italy. Say that your papa,
who is being invited by the University of Bologna, wants to take you
it soon so that, if necessary, I can send you the paperwork.
Kisses from your
I’m very happy when I hear from you!
224. From Hans Albert Einstein
[Zurich, after 1 September
Dear Papa,
I haven’t written you for so long because we had our concert, which I had
already told you about. You know I’m the president of the student orchestra and
have naturally been very busy with it now. When you come here, I’ll show you the
program and the critical
For the same reason I still haven’t made it to the consulate, either. I think it
would be good in any case if you’d send me a statement certifying where I intend
to be going with you, for the
Besides, it would be advantageous if we went during my vacation. The
isn’t pleased about such skipping, especially in the 6th grade. A cou-
ple of days don’t matter much, either.
I’m so glad we can get together again and I have a few things to ask you with
regard to the sextant—with the mirror and about other things as well.
Lots of love from
N.B. Our vacation is from the 8th–24th of
Then I wanted to ask you, could you perhaps bring a book along for an acquain-
tance, that can’t be obtained here? It’s Laurids Bruun: The Unhappy Widow,
S. Fischer publishers, Berlin (Fischer’s library of contemporary novels, yellow
Please do bring it along for me, if it isn’t any bother for you.
225. To Paul Ehrenfest
[Berlin,] 2 September 1921
Dear Ehrenfest,
Do you still remember our discussions about
I return to it
now. If there are no free electrons in metals, then a passing current means that elec-
trons exist whose well-ordered orbits move from atom to atom, and specifically in
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