D O C U M E N T 3 9 8 O N R E L I G I O N 6 2 3 Published in Kaizo 5 (1922): pp. 194–195, and p. 197 in February 1923 Einstein 1934, pp. 175–176. An ADS [28 013] dated 14 December 1922 and written on letterhead “The Miyako Hotel, Kyoto” is also available, with salutation and signature added. [1]The questions were requested by a member of the Young Men’s Christian Association, Tokyo. He delivered a lecture there on 24 November 1922. [2]For a while in his youth, he had experienced what “a deep religious feeling” (“ein inniges Reli- gionsgefühl”) meant (see “Albert Einstein—Beitrag für sein Lebensbild” by Maja Winteler-Einstein [Vol. 1, p. lix]). [3]Spinoza’s works had attracted him since 1902, the time of the “Olympia Academy.” He read the Ethics time and again (see, e.g., his letter to Elsa Einstein, 6 July 1917 [Vol. 8, Doc. 115]). For a dis- cussion of Einstein’s approach to Spinoza’s philosophy, see Jammer 1999. [4]He declared himself without religious affiliation in his letter to Jewish Community of Berlin, 5 January 1921 (Vol. 12, Doc. 8).
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