E D I T O R I A L M E T H O D l x x x i i i on an otherwise handwritten document or on the verso of a postcard is generally omitted. A dateline is placed flush right above the text, regardless of its position in the original. Editorial additions or corrections to the dateline are placed in square brackets. Date uncertainties are indicated by question marks. The designation “cir- ca,” abbreviated “ca.,” indicates uncertainty within a few units of the designated day, month, or year. The salutation is placed flush left beneath the dateline, and the first paragraph is indented. The first word in the first paragraph is usually capitalized. Each letter is followed by a descriptive note which consists of a descriptive sym- bol (see Descriptive Symbols, pp. xciv–xcv) and the location of the original (in pa- rentheses). If no provenance is specified, the source is the Albert Einstein Archives at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. If the location is unknown, the source of the photocopy or transcript used is given. For symbols of documentary repositories, see Location Symbols (pp. xci–xciii).They are followed by previous publication data the archival call number assigned to the letter in the Albert Einstein Archives, within square brackets a transcription of the letterhead and the addressee a note commenting on textual or physical characteristics of an original when they affect legibility—whether it is cropped, perforated, obscured, or incomplete. If a source from which one or more texts are drawn (e.g., a notebook or an official report) con- tains additional material, that material is briefly described at this point such omit- ted material may be published elsewhere in the edition. Textual features such as original pagination and instructions to turn a page are silently omitted. In the case of postcards or envelopes, a transcription of address and sender lines, a description of the postmark, and a note about the contents of a docketed postmark are included if the date cannot be established otherwise. Signatures are placed flush right. Postscripts are placed flush left beneath the signature. Editorial endnotes, indicated by raised Arabic numerals enclosed in square brackets, follow the descriptive note. The Calendar of Abstracts includes in chronological order any letters that are not presented as full texts. The entries summarize the contents of the document in ques- tion and provide their provenance (see the introductory paragraph in the Calendar of Abstracts for a more detailed description). TRANSCRIPTION We aim in our transcriptions to maintain substantial faithfulness to the original texts. No corrections, additions, deletions, or changes of characters, punctuation, or arrangement are made except as set forth below.
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