D O C U M E N T 1 5 8 A P R I L 1 9 2 2 1 4 7 Should I come now or [rather] in June? Twice is impossible because I have announced a course here. As I would have to leave on the 27th, I request an imme- diate decision.[3] The young Brillouin would also like to come to Leyden, a fine fellow.[4] All the French took a great liking to you in Brussels.[5] They were very nice to me in Paris, particularly Painlevé![6] Warm regards from your Einstein. Answer instantly! 158. From Romain Rolland Paris (XIV), 3 Boissonade Street, Friday, 21 April 1922 Dear A. Einstein, I thank you cordially for your nice letter.–[1] Yes, I am convinced, as you are, that your coming to Paris will have done much toward a rapprochement among intellectuals. Duhamel[2] spoke to me about the evening he spent with you, which left him with such fine recollections. I regret not having played my piano part in your math- ematical and literary concert. I am leaving Paris at the end of the month and am settling in Switzerland, in Vil- leneuve (Vaud), Villa Olga (near the Byron Hotel). I am going there to seek tran- quility and isolation to write a long novel[3] and other works that I have in my head: for in Paris I am constantly disturbed by the comings and goings one puts oneself out so totally for others and nothing remains for oneself. Thus rediscovering one- self, defending it, and constantly renewing it is still the best way to be useful to oth- ers. But I am not simply withdrawing myself from my Parisian friends. Less so than ever, now, when we are at the point of founding a major French periodical of inde- pendent and truly international thought—outside of any political or social party and even resolutely leaving politics aside. We would like it to be a rallying center for literary, scientific, artistic, and philosophical thought, hence the universally human element. Among the organizers of this Revue are such leading liberally minded French writers as Duhamel, Vildrac, Arcos, Bazalgette, Jules Romain,[4] etc. We intend to apply to major personalities from other countries and we would be proud if you would occasionally think of our periodical, which will probably be launched in Paris in October.[5] The directors will be writing you soon about the rest I rec- ommend them to you in advance for your kind consideration.