D O C U M E N T S 1 7 0 , 1 7 1 A P R I L 1 9 2 2 1 5 5 I ask you please to discuss this with suitable individuals (e.g., perhaps with Mr. Barclay)[3] and keep me be informed about the result of these discussions in which- ever form appears most suitable to you. I feel compelled to assure you once again that I am very glad to have gotten to know you and our other Parisian colleagues in the profession better and to have encountered such a friendly reception from you. With amicable regards, I am yours very sincerely. 170. To Hans Delbrück[1] Berlin, 28 April 1922 Dear Colleague, This evening I have to leave for a few weeks[2] but would not like to do so with- out first briefly reporting about a conversation I had occasion to have in Paris with Prof. Aulard.[3] Aulard gave me the impression of a man honestly concerned about truth and an improvement in Franco-German relations. He is, however, like all the others are—if only subconsciously—under the heavy influence of the prevailing view there regarding the evaluation of political events. He seemed to harbor the bias against you that you do not regard him as an individual but as a spokesman of a political clique but he was very willing to be persuaded by me of the inaccuracy of this preconceived opinion. In this matter, as everywhere, accumulated distrust can only be overcome by personal communication. I do believe, though, that your debate with him did have a beneficial effect and it would be hoped that there will be a more private continuation of your discussions. Only thus can mutual trust be regained, which in my opinion is an indispensable precondition for a gradual res- toration also in political relations. With kind regards, yours very sincerely, A. Einstein. 171. To Jacques Hadamard Berlin, 28 April 1922 Dear Colleague, It seems to me necessary to tell you that the notebooks of the League of Human Rights still have not arrived.[1] I am very satisfied with my stay in Paris, happy to have made the acquaintance of Parisian mathematicians and physicists, and hoping