I N A U G U R A T I O N O F H E B R E W U N I V E R S I T Y 9 7 3 Es nuestra misión luchar con todos nuestros medíos para que el sionismo prospere y así habremos salvado nuestra cultura. El profesor Einstein fué repetidas veces saludado con nutridos aplausos. TRANSLATION Jewish Community Celebrates the Founding of the University of Jerusalem [Buenos Aires, 6 April 1925] In celebration of the recent founding of the first Jewish University in Palestine, a formal tribute was organized by the Argentine Zionist Federation last night at the Teatro Coliseo, whose ample auditorium was completely filled. … Professor Einstein’s Lecture The renowned sage delivered a brief lecture in German, dealing primarily with the Zi- onist movement. He said that Zionism has restored the dignity of the Jews, which previously had been perceived as diminished and denigrated. He then declared himself a supporter of the found- er of Zionism, Dr. Theodor Herzel, and the current leader, Dr. Weitzman, who, he said, is an inspired politician. He added that the Jewish people are not fighting to rebuild their nationality in an aggres- sive nationalistic way, but rather with the noble, human purpose of making their special cul- ture arise again as part of universal culture. He stated that the recently-created University in Jerusalem is one of the fundamental elements of the cultural enterprise sponsored by Zionism, which should be supported by everyone, since enterprises of such magnitude need the stimulus of collective effort. He remarked that Judaism in Western Europe is dissolved. Some great personalities have emerged there, he added, but as a nucleus it lacks spiritual meaning. We must prevent this process from continuing, and that will be achieved only through the establishment of Zionism, which is the only possible salvation of the Jewish soul. It is our mission to struggle with all means at our disposal so that Zionism may prosper, and in this way we will save our culture. Professor Einstein was cheered several times with enthusiastic applause.