8 1 4 C H R O N O L O G Y 1 9 2 5 March 1 Signs new Will (Doc. 448). before March 4 Co-signs an appeal for clemency for Helene Stegemann, a teacher sentenced in Pankow to eight months in prison for having an affair with a student. Vossische Zeitung, 13 March 1925, ME. March 4 Arrives in Hamburg. March 5 Departs for South America from Hamburg on board the SS Cap Polonio. March 11 Visits Lisbon. on or before March 19 Elsa Einstein donates the manuscript of his “Foundations of the Theory of General Relativity” (Einstein 1916e) to the Hebrew University on behalf of AE on the occasion of its inauguration. March 21 Arrival in Rio. Tour of city by car. Visits Botanical Gardens. Lunch at the Copacabana Palace Hotel, hosted by newspa- per owner Assis Chateaubriand. March 24 Arrival in Montevideo. “Pan-Europe” (Doc. 463) is published in Spanish. March 25 Arrival in Buenos Aires. Lodges at the residence of the paper merchant Bruno Wassermann. Visited by Leopoldo Lugones. Meets with German ambassador Carl Gneist. Visits Rector José Arce and Dean Eduardo Huergo of the University of Buenos Aires. March 26 Tours Buenos Aires, including parks and fruit and vegetable market. Meets with the rector of the University of La Plata, Julio R. Castiñeiras, and with representatives of the Jewish community. on or before March 27 Completes “Planned Introductory Lecture at the University of Buenos Aires” (Doc. 465). March 27 Reception and introductory lecture at the Colegio Nacional de Buenos Aires high school. Evening reception at residence of Alfredo Hirsch. The English translation of “A Word for the Journey” (Doc. 470) is published in The New Palestine (Einstein 1925k).
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