8 3 2 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 1 7 wants to send him something in March. Will find out about an export permit for April. Besso will lecture next semester at the ETH about Italian patent law. Zangger’s wife, Mathilde, reports that Eduard is no longer in bed and is looking forward to renewing his contact with other children. Schulmann 2012, Doc. 146, p. 234. [95 353]. Vol. 8, 330a. From Heinrich Zangger [Zurich,] 28 April 1917 Hans Albert Einstein has moved in with the Zangger family. Mileva Einstein-Maric and Eduard are in the Bethanienheim hospital. Is very taken with the work of Moritz Schlick. Hopes that he himself can work and help for another fifty years with the same intensity. Has the impression that he does not receive due recognition from his colleagues. Hans Albert encloses a little note. Schulmann 2012, Doc. 149, p. 239. [95 354]. Vol. 8, 331a. To Heinrich Zangger [Berlin,] 29 April 1917 Is concerned about Zangger’s poor health resulting from an inflammation of the perios- teum of the lower jaw. After initial doubts he now believes that the petition in favor of Friedrich Adler could prove useful. Has said so to Besso and Emil Beck. Emphasizes Adler’s decency but does not think much of his scientific qualities. His selflessness is almost pathological. Adler has just sent him a manuscript that consists of fruitless soph- istries (see Vol. 8, Doc. 329). Schulmann 2012, Doc. 150, p. 240. [95 355]. Vol. 8, 332a. From Heinrich Zangger [Zurich,] 1 May 1917 At Mileva Einstein-Maric’s request, has written to Peter Pedolin, director of the Höchwald Sanatorium in Arosa, for a place for Eduard once he is released from the Bethanienheim hospital. The supply of food in Switzerland has attracted a large number of foreigners. Urges AE to join their ranks. Besso and Edgar Meyer have started a circu- lar on the matter of Friedrich Adler. His father, Victor Adler, is grateful for AE’s partic- ipation in the defense of his son. Has just visited Mileva Einstein-Maric and Eduard and can report that the boy is doing well enough to get on his mother’s nerves. Schulmann 2012, Doc. 151, p. 241. [95 356]. Vol. 8, 332b. From Heinrich Zangger [Zurich, before 3 May 1917] Besso and Edgar Meyer are participating directly in the case of Friedrich Adler. Reports on Hans Albert Einstein’s infection and on Maja Winteler-Einstein’s visit from Lucerne. A whole case of oil is waiting for AE’s arrival in Switzerland. By then he also wants to have finished his book. Besso is working carefully in Zangger’s institute on the patents he has commissioned him to do. Schulmann 2012, Doc. 152, p. 242. [95 357]. Vol. 8, 344a. To Heinrich Zangger [Zurich,] 25 May 1917 Is blaming himself for burdening Zangger with all his family problems. Maja Winteler- Einstein would be willing to take in Hans Albert Einstein in Lucerne, but he is afraid that Mileva Einstein-Maric would oppose this. Perhaps she could be persuaded that it would be a good temporary solution. Is not very confident, though, as there was a conflict be- tween the two women some ten years ago, at the time when Maja was living with Mileva and himself in Bern. Praises Maja’s modesty and her musical gifts, which should be a good influence on Hans Albert. She could also be of help in renting the apartment, in case that should be necessary. To be able to go to Switzerland in July, he has doubled the number of hours he is lecturing about relativity at the University of Berlin. Is happy to hear from Besso that Zangger’s health has improved. His scientific activities mainly con- sist of observing what others are doing. Felix Ehrenhaft has carried out interesting ex- periments, which have so far not been refuted, on the apparently nonatomic nature of electricity: “killing the electron.” He himself is skeptical. This matter has to be settled. Asks whether Zangger has read the book on special and general relativity, which col- leagues have jokingly dubbed “the little Einstein.” Max Planck’s daughter, Margarete