8 4 6 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 3 106. To Rockefeller [Foundation] [Berlin, after 22 June 1923] Shorthand draft, most probably follow-up on Abs. 103. [44 233]. 107. From Bezirksamt Spandau Spandau, 25 June 1923 Informs AE that the contract for lot no. 2 in Boxfelde, in the amount of 356 M, ends on 30 September 1923. If AE wishes to renew the contract, the fees will be 3,000 M for the lot and 2,250 M for the jetty. TLS. [43 336]. 108. From Esther Eliaschoff and I[zaac] Holzberg Kowno, 25 June 1923 Send a report on the Jewish College Courses in Kaunas-Kowno for the first half of the school year ([44 050] and [44 051]): the arrival of the chemical laboratory, a consider- able amount of books, and most importantly the arrival of Jakob Grommer, and [Izaac] Holzberg. Thank AE for his continued interest in the matter (see also Vol. 13, Abs. 417 and 509). TLS. [44 049]. 109. To Bezirksamt Spandau [Berlin, after 25 June 1923] Shorthand reply to Abs. 107. [43 337]. 110. From Central Zionist Office in Berlin Berlin, 29 June 1923 Forwards Abs. 111 and asks to publish it in ha-Olam. [89 713]. 111. From Julius Simon New York, 29 June 1923 As a member of the board of directors of the Palestine Cooperative Company and in re- ply to AE’s comments in Einstein 1923k (Doc. 20), informs that although the newly es- tablished company of Palestine Building Loan Association gives loans with the interest rate of 8%, the company itself receives only 3% of the proceeds. The rest is being used to strengthen the Jewish community in Palestine. [89 714]. 112. To Svante Arrhenius Kiel, 2 July 1923 He will arrive in Gothenburg on 9 June from Copenhagen. Asks to send someone to meet him or send instructions, either to Kiel, to the ship, or to the train. AKS. [73 208]. 113. From Albert Karr-Krüsi Zurich, 2 July 1923 Enclosed sends his correspondence with Mileva Einstein-Maric and asks not to mention anything to her, otherwise, she will no longer consult with him. TLS. [144 379]. 114. From Max von Laue to the Direktorium of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Physics Zehlendorf, 2 July 1923 Discussion agenda for the meeting on 5 July: (1) Trautz applies for several million marks to conduct measurements of specific heat of gases (2) Kohlhörster asks for 190 Swiss francs to perform his experiment on penetrating radiation in Swiss Alps. Proposes to cover only his travel costs within Germany and recommends that he ask the Swiss for the rest. TLC. [40 151]. 115. From Erich Ruschkewitz Danzig, 3 July 1923 Sends a poem ([31 495]), asking him to regard it as the work of an eighteen-year-old who is perplexed to live in times when every lofty ideal is being undermined, but is privileged to live in a time worthy of being remembered by posterity for a few personalities. ALS. [31 496]. 116. From Otto Lehmann-Russbüldt Berlin, 5 July 1923 Since AE is away from Berlin and cannot participate in the demonstration of the Deut- sche Liga für Menschenrechte in favor of Germany’s joining the League of Nations, asks to send a letter instead, expressing his opinion on the formation of a union of European