C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 4 8 6 1 256. To Paul Kersten Berlin, 12 January 1924 To Kersten’s request in Abs. 247, replies that he has left the ICIC, and is not informed of its activity. Has nothing interesting for the Hochschul-Nachrichten. LS in IE’s hand. [78 240]. 257. From Walter Stämpfli Basel, 12 January 1924 The lecture AE had been invited to deliver in Abs. 195 is meant for academic circles. Therefore, AE’s justification for declining the invitation, expressed in his reply to the Swiss Embassy in Berlin and forwarded to the Basler Staatsbürgerkurse, namely, that a scientific topic would not be understandable to the audience, does not apply. Repeats their invitation. IE notes: “Beantw. am 16. I. 24.” TLS. [43 195]. 258. From Leopold Courvoisier Berlin, 14 January 1924 Sends details of observations of Venus which AE had requested. ALS. [8 416]. 259. From Montague D. Eder and Leo Kohn(?) London, 15 January 1924 In reply to AE’s letter of 12 January 1924 (see Doc. 194), thanks for his agreeing to join the Board of Governors of the Hebrew University. AE’s advice to invite more scientists is welcome. TLS. [36 870]. 260. From Friedrich Mayer Augsburg, 15 January 1924 Has learned with Arnold Sommerfeld’s help (see Abs. 226) that the condition for enter- ing the Bergmannheim is to be matriculated. Kossel has referred him to the matriculation commission in Berlin. Requests help. ALS. [44 413]. 261. From Ferruccio Zambonini [Naples,] 15 January 1924 An international congress of philosophy will convene on the occasion of the seventh centenary of the University of Naples. According to the attached circular, a session will be dedicated to the theory of relativity. Physicists, astronomers, and mathematicians will also participate. Invites AE and offers first-class railroad tickets and related expenses. Any additional questions will be answered by Roberto Marcolongo. TLS. [44 512]. 262. To Unknown [Berlin, before 16 January 1924] Has administered an oral examination to Isaak Rebelski, praises his knowledge in math- ematics and his sympathetic personality and recommends that he be admitted to the study of mathematics. ADSX. [123 148]. 263. From Isaak Rebelski Ungheni, [before 16 January 1924] Sends a mathematical proof regarding the problem of the determination of the sum of the kth power of the first n natural numbers. ALS. [44 709]. 264. To Isaak Rebelski Berlin, 16 January 1924 In reply to Abs. 263, AE enjoyed his method but the proof is not new. ALSX in IE’s hand. [123 149]. 265. From Heinz Quint Vienna, 17 January 1924 Criticizes AE’s and Max von Laue’s definitions of simultaneity. Gives a new definition, which implies the relativity of simultaneity as well as the relativistic velocity addition law. In his answer to an earlier letter, AE had called Quint’s considerations “im Wesent- lichen unrichtig,” and had suggested that he contact Hans Thirring. But in his letters Thirring has not addressed the matter of the definition of simultaneity at all. IE notes: “Unbeantwortet.” TLS. [44 705]. 266. From Hans Kohn London, 21 January 1924 Thanks for the positive reply to Abs. 213 with AE’s readiness to write a foreword to the German edition of Chaim Weizmann’s speeches. TLS. [44 112].