8 6 8 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 4 whether AE would be ready to travel to Geneva on 6 April to support his plans for an “Académie Israélite des Sciences Universelles” in Oliwa, a suburb of Danzig. Will be in Berlin on his way to Warsaw and will stay at the Hotel Bristol for 2–3 days. TLS. [43 554]. 326. From Lingner-Werke Dresden, 19 March 1924 Ask to verify the reputation, business contacts, and financial stability of Edgar Weins- berg, and whether he would be a suitable candidate to represent the company in Berlin. TLS. [45 235]. 327. J. Michael & Co. to Elsa Einstein Berlin, 19 March 1924 Sends Jakob Grommer’s stipend in the amount of 125 Rentenmark and requests confir- mation of the receipt of the post-check issued by the Deutsche Bank. TLS. [11 434]. 328. From the Jewish Community of Berlin Berlin, 20 March 1924 Acknowledges receipt of the letters of 24 February and 13 March in which AE agreed to become a member of the community. No official form is necessary. Will send the newsletter. Has added AE to the tax list and requests the preliminary congregational tax- es for 1924. Detailed information about this request and the payment options can be found in the attached memo. TLS. [35 108]. 329. From Paul Schramm Berlin, 21 March 1924 Invites AE to his second recital (see Abs. 317). Will play Scarlatti, De Falla, Beethoven, Prokofiev, Ravel, and, to AE’s relief, no more Liszt. ALS. [45 012]. 330. To Lingner-Werke Berlin, 23 March 1924 Shorthand reply to Abs. 326. Fragment. [45 236]. 331. To the Jewish Community of Berlin Berlin, 24 March 1924 Acknowledges receipt of Abs. 328. Is not able to provide information on his 1922 taxes. Sends his tax number and asks them to verify the information. TTrL. [35 107]. 332. From Oswald Veblen [Princeton,] 24 March 1924 Asks assistance for Maurice Holland, Director of the Division of Engineering of the National Research Council, who plans to study the organization of engineering and in- dustrial research in England, France, Czechoslovakia, and Germany. TLCX. [23 148]. 333. To the International Education Board [Berlin,] 27 March 1924 Will return the check for $250 to the board should the check be found (see Abs. 309). TDS (NNttR [Rockefeller Archive Center]). [71 598]. 334. To the Swiss Embassy in Berlin Berlin, 28 March 1924 Asks to send his writings that are not available in the book trade to Gustav Wissler at the Swiss National Library. TLC. [45 027]. 335. From Heinrich Poll Berlin, 31 March 1924 According to the enclosed information [44 674], the stipends from the Rockefeller Foun- dation are exempt from taxation. TLS. [44 673]. 336. From Otto Hecht Ulm, 1 April 1924 Thanks for the letter of 25 March and the support. The Ausschuss zur Förderung des wissenschaftlich-medizinischen Nachwuchses of the Hilfsausschuss der Rockefeller Foundation has granted funds for his research until 31 December. Asks for further sup- port. Is not sure whether the “Education Fund” mentioned by AE is related to the above- mentioned Ausschuss directed by Henry Eversole and Heinrich Poll. ALS. [43 872].