C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 4 8 7 1 355. From the London Mathematical Society London, 15 May 1924 Honorary membership diploma. Diploma. [30 196] 356. From José Arce and Mauricio Nirenstein Buenos Aires, 16 May 1924 The Council of the University of Buenos Aires has received AE’s postcard of 9 March and is pleased that he has accepted the invitation, though not for this year. The council will keeps its proposal open and hopes that all hindrances for AE’s travel next year will be removed. Enclosed with Abs. 376. TLS. [43 098]. 357. To Wander de Haas and Wife [Neumühlen,] 17 May 1924 Does not know which of them sent the card, but it made him happy. Will visit them next semester since he is too busy at present. AKS. [71 107]. 358. From Rafael Campalans i Puig Barcelona, 17 May 1924 Describes the “horrible” political events after the coup of Primo de Rivera in September 1923, especially the firing in Catalonia of more than 180 professors from their positions, himself included. ALS. [43 428]. 359. From Gilbert Murray Oxford, 18 May 1924 As AE resigned from the ICIC in protest against the invasion of the Ruhr territory by the French, his return would mark the beginning of a rapprochement. Believes there is a prospect for a final settlement of the reparations issue and for getting the French out of Germany. Asks whether AE is willing to rejoin the committee. TLS. [34 807]. 360. From Georges Chabas Béziers, 19 May 1924 Argues that in relativity theory, a particle changing direction during a translation move- ment should be seen as having double mass, double weight, and double gravitational field. According to these considerations, gravitational waves should be expected to have the same velocity as light traveling in a vacuum. ALS. [43 447]. 361. From Eugen Goldschmidt Bad Harzburg, 22 May 1924 Has learned from [Arnold] Berliner that AE is prepared to propose him for the Nobel Prize. Thanks him for the high evaluation of his work. ALS. [43 780]. 362. From Alfred Kerr San Francisco, 22 May 1924 Greetings from “a land with a life fit for humans and many hopes.” AKS. [44 116]. 363. From Teubner Publishing House Leipzig, 22 May 1924 Offers terms for royalties for the updated versions of Einstein 1915a and 1915b to be published in the new edition of the “Physics” volume of Kultur der Gegenwart. TLS. [41 1100]. 364. From Paul Kersten Berlin, 24 May 1924 Requests an article for the Berliner Hochschul-Nachrichten about the plan to build a new Jewish university in Danzig, developed by a committee of which AE is also a member. TLS. [43 924]. 365. From André Metz Bonn, 25 May 1924 [Jean] Becquerel has asked him to obtain AE’s last papers published in the Sitzungs- berichte. Requests a list. Is working on a few papers to explain relativity. Intends to pub- lish Metz 1924. Asks whether AE agrees with Weyl and Eddington’s generalizations. Requests information on the 1922 experiment on Mount Wilson. ALS. [18 251]. 366. From the Zionistische Secties voor Wetenschappelijken Arbeid (L. S. Ornstein et al.) Amsterdam, 26 May 1924 Have elected AE as an honorary member. TLS. [30 197].
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