C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 4 8 7 3 Gesellschaft in Lucerne. Asks what material AE would use for his lecture, and how he would prefer to be reimbursed. TLS. [45 031]. 379. From Eric Drummond Geneva, 17 June 1924 On behalf of the president of the Council of the League of Nations, renews the invitation to AE to serve as a member of the ICIC and invites AE to a meeting on 16 June. Encloses documents. TLC. [82 864]. 380. From Heinrich Loewe [Berlin,] 19 June 1924 Immanuel Velikovsky is not only the co-editor of the Scripta but also its publisher. Has sent the letter from the Naples Academy to Velikovsky has forwarded AE’s request to send the Scripta to the academy. Will write to the academy to ask to send its publications to [Hugo] Bergmann in Jerusalem. Will also contact S[erach] Grinberg to set up a meet- ing for the Günzburg library. Wants to interest AE in Samuel Wiener’s collection of books in Leningrad which is in danger of decaying. Wiener has agreed to sell the books. Asks AE, as deputy chairman of the Gesellschaft der Freunde der Jerusalem-Bibliothek, to ask Russian authorities for permission to buy Hebrew books as “duplicates” from pri- vate persons. TTrL. [121 620]. 381. To the American Academy of Arts and Sciences Berlin, 20 June 1924 Accepts his election as a foreign honorary member (see Abs. 354). ALS. [88 710]. 382. From the German Ministry of Interior Berlin, 20 June 1924 Invites AE to become a member of the Kuratorium of the Walther Rathenau Stiftung whose president is the Reichspresident. Invites him to the memorial for Rathenau to be held on 24 June. TLS. [32 820]. 383. From Jacques Hoefler Cairo, 21 June 1924 Invites AE to lecture in Egypt. His visit would demonstrate the moral and cultural con- tribution of Zionism to the general revival of the East. TLS. [43 925]. 384. From A. M. Bose Zurich, 24 June and 15 July 1924 Thanks for AE’s letter, a certificate, and 200 francs. If he will not be able to choose the career of professor, he will work for the poor in India. Apologizes for sending the letter late. ALS. [43 331]. 384a: To Wilhelm Marx Berlin, 25 June 1924 Requests an audience to discuss the plight of Erich Mühsam and other political prisoners at the Niederschönenfeld penitentiary in Bavaria. PLS (Gy-Ar: N 1057, No. 22). [95 487]. 385. From Hans Albert Einstein [Zurich, 25 June 1924] His survey course ends on 26 July. Eduard must return to school on 18 August. Both are looking forward to Lautrach. Is sorry that he cannot go to Kiel, because he should study more for his exams than last year. Wishes Bommi [their sailing boat in Kiel] were in Zurich. AKS. [144 044]. 386. From Chaim Weizmann [London,] 26 June1924 The conference on the university (see Doc. 268) has been rescheduled from 13 July to 20 July to accommodate those coming from overseas. TLSC (IsReWW). [71 101]. 387. From Heinrich Loewe Berlin, 27 June 1924 After having spoken with Elsa Einstein on the phone, sets a meeting about the Günzburg library for Tuesday, 1 July, in AE’s apartment. Has taken the liberty of notifying others in that regard. TLC. [121 622].