x x x v i L I S T O F I L L U S T R A T I O N S 8. Einstein with members of the German Pro-Palästina-Komitee, Hotel Kaiserhof, Berlin, 15 December 1926. Front row: Carl von Schubert, Chaim Weizmann, and Johann Graf von Bernstorff. Second row: Einstein, Katharina von Oheimb, Kurt Blumenfeld, and Oscar Wassermann. (Courtesy Central Zionist Archives, Jerusalem) 9. Plenary meeting of the Ninth Session of the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation, Geneva, 20–21 July 1927. The photo includes (from left to right): Jagdish C. Bose, Jules Destrée, Kristine Bonnevie, Émile Borel, Aikitu Tanakadate, Marie Curie, Gonzague de Reynold, Albert Dufour-Feronce, Gilbert Murray, Hendrik A. Lorentz (chairman), Georges Oprescu, Einstein, Julio Casares, and Alfred Rocco. (Courtesy of the Archives, California Institute of Technology) 10. Albert and Elsa Einstein in their living room, Haberlandstrasse 5, Berlin, ca. January 1927. (Photo by Ruth Jacobi-Roth, courtesy Keystone Pictures USA, Alamy Stock Photo) 11. Einstein in his study at Haberlandstrasse 5, Berlin, ca. January 1927. (Photo by Lotte Jacobi, courtesy Leo Baeck Institute, NY) 12. Einstein with his sons, Hans Albert and Eduard Einstein, Huttenstrasse 62, Zurich, ca. 1925. (Courtesy The Albert Einstein Archives, Hebrew University of Jerusalem) 13. Eduard Einstein in Einstein’s study, Haberlandstrasse 5, Berlin, spring1927. (Courtesy Leo Baeck Institute, NY) 14. Einstein and his son Hans Albert, Haberlandstrasse 5, Berlin, possibly January 1927. (Photo by Ruth Jacobi-Roth, courtesy Granger, NY) 15. Hans Albert and Eduard Einstein, Mileva Einstein-Mariü, and Frieda Einstein-Knecht, Huttenstrasse 62, Zurich, 1929. (Photo by Ljubomir Trbuhoviü, courtesy Stadtarchiv Zürich) 16. Engraving of Sir Isaac Newton, by Jacobus Houbraken, after Sir Godfrey Kneller, 1702. (Courtesy and copyright National Portrait Gallery, London) 17. Einstein in his attic “tower room” above his apartment at Haberlandstrasse 5, Berlin, ca. January 1927. On the wall the engraving of Isaac Newton, by Jacobus Houbraken. (Courtesy bpk Bildagentur, Stiftung Preussischer Kulturbesitz Photo Collection, Art Resource, NY) 18. Einstein’s hands. Vossische Zeitung, 6 February 1927. (Courtesy ullstein bild, Granger, NYC, All Rights Reserved, NY)