D O C U M E N T 2 2 1 M A R C H 1 9 2 6 2 3 1 Restraint prevented my telling you on Saturday that I would very much appre- ciate calmly discussing with you general human matters that, in part, affect me per- sonally. I will probably have to depart later this week, and I would be very happy if I could speak to you sometime before my trip, such that, on the one hand, I would not be interfering with other affairs of yours and, on the other, that the length of the conversation is not restricted by other limiting conditions.— Perhaps you can inform me by phone at Oliva 2048 (preferably very early). Yours sincerely, L. Szilard 222. Calculations [Berlin, after 14 March 1926][1] [Not selected for translation.]