L I S T O F T E X T S x x x v APPENDIXES Vol. 15, Appendix H. Prager Tagblatt Interview with Einstein A. Neue Freie Presse Interview with Einstein B. Israelitisches Wochenblatt für die Schweiz Interview with Einstein C. Journal de Genève Interview with Einstein D. L’OEuvre Interview with Einstein E. Einstein’s Note on His Interview with L’OEuvre F. Neue Freie Presse Interview with Einstein on Political Topics G. Eulogy for Hendrik A. Lorentz at the University of Leyden H. “Einstein on Verge of Great Discovery Resents Intrusion” I. Notes of Conversations with Einstein by Lancelot L. Whyte J. Neue Freie Presse Interview with Einstein K. Die Umschau Interview with Einstein L. “Einstein is Found Hiding on Birthday”
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