D O C . 4 7 5 T O F R I E N D S O F T H E N E W R U S S I A 6 7 9 Published in Das neue Russland Zeitschrift für Kultur Wirtschaft u. Literatur 6, nos. 1–2 (May 1929): 77. [1] The Gesellschaft der Freunde des neuen Russlands was established on 1 June 1923 on the ini- tiative of the Workers International Relief for the Soviet Union. Its main goal was to disseminate “truthful information on cultural life in the Soviet Union” (“wahrheitsgetreuer Information über das kulturelle Leben in der Sowjetunion”), among all strata of German society but, in particular, among intellectuals. Einstein joined the Central Committee of the Gesellschaft in July 1923 (see Erich Lehmann-Lukas to Einstein, 16 July 1923 [Vol. 14, Abs. 128], and Münch 1966, p. 110). [2] Month “Mai” added in hand on cover page of facsimile. [3] The Gesellschaft für kulturelle Verbindung der Sowjetunion mit dem Auslande was the German name for Βcecoюзнoe oбщecтвo культурнoй cвязи c зaгрaницeй (the All-Union Society for Cul- tural Relations with Foreign Countries). It was established on 8 May 1925 and had emerged from the Soviet Union Information Bureau, which had been founded in 1923. Its target audience was the non- Communist intelligentsia, and it attempted not to be associated with the Soviet government or the Communist movement. It provided foreign organizations and individuals with information about the Soviet Union and invited them “to visit and discover ‘the truth about the USSR.’ The Society’s chairperson was Olga D. Kameneva (see Elias 1985, p. 61, and Stern 2007, pp. 6–7). For its letter to Einstein, see Abs. 1071.
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