C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S J U L Y 1 9 2 7 8 0 9 61. From Frank J. Goodnow Baltimore, Maryland, 12 July 1927 As president of Johns Hopkins University, reiterates invitation discussed in person in Berlin. Offers $10,000 for a visit from October to June, or half that amount for one se- mester. TLS. [46 729]. 62. From Walter Schottky Rostock, 12 July 1927 Regarding his succession, requests AE’s opinion on A. Smekal, who may not come after all, as compared to their second candidate, E. Fues, who comes highly recommended by W. Heisenberg and E. Schrödinger. ALS. [21 553]. 63. From Nathan Straus New York City, 12 July 1927 Herman Bernstein has reported on his meeting with AE. After a recent visit to Jerusa- lem, agrees with AE’s criticism of J. L. Magnes, whom he finds responsible for AE’s severing ties with the Hebrew University and not giving the chief rabbi of Vienna, Dr. Zwi Peres Chajes, the chance he deserves. TLS. [36 951]. 64. To Press Service of the IIIC [Berlin,] 13 July 1927 The League of Nations has asked for a second article on the activities of the IIIC (see Vol. 15, Doc. 430, note 1). Requests that such an article be composed and sent to him for review. TLC. [95 458]. 65. Process for Producing Cold Berlin, 14 July 1927 AE and Leo Szilard apply for patenting an absorption refrigerator using alcohol as re- frigerant and tap water as power. Submitted by Citogel Gesellschaft für chemische und technische Erzeugnisse m. b. H, Hamburg, to which the invention was sold. Reichs- patentamt Patentschrift Nr. 527 080. PD. [97 105]. 66. From Émile Meyerson Paris, 20 July 1927 Returns AE’s manuscript of the review, with comments ([91 240]), and its French trans- lation by Metz. Is pleased with AE’s assessment of Meyerson as a philosophical realist. AE thinks more like a physicist, whereas he himself, as an epistemologist, feels com- pelled to derive the essence of a theory from its ultimate consequences. ALS. [18 283]. 67. From Slava Zaycoff Sofia, 20 July1927 Thanks for Abs. 48. Her son R. Zaycoff will follow AE’s advice. TLS. [24 190]. 68. To Margot Einstein [Geneva,] 22 July 1927 Intends to visit her at the end of next week, most likely with Eduard Einstein. Thanks for the flowers and letters. AKS. [143 285]. 69. From Richard Raines New York, 22 July 1927 In heavily garbled English, appears to propose a perpetuum mobile and is willing to share in proceeds of invention. ALS. [48 060]. 70. Comments at the Ninth Session of the ICIC Geneva, 23 July 1927 In a discussion on the “Creation of an International Bureau of Mines: Results of the Ex- amination by the Economic Committee of the League of the Draft Proposed by Profes- sor Krahmann,” Einstein “enquired whether Professor Krahmann would be asked by the Economic Committee to furnish it with explanations.” PD. League 1927, p. 12. [84 712]. 71. Comments at the Ninth Session of the ICIC Geneva, 23 July 1927 In a discussion on the “National Committees” of the ICIC, the issue of which national committees would be recognized by the ICIC was debated. In reaction to the opinion of J. Destrée that the ICIC and the IIIC “could only recognise those National Committees which had been established by States, recognised by existing treaties, and only one Committee for each State,” Einstein “observed that the whole difficulty was probably due to the title given to the National Committees.” PD. League 1927, p. 15. [84 712].