8 4 8 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S A P R I L 1 9 2 8 484. To Oscar Weigert (Reichsarbeitsministerium) [Berlin,] 17 April 1928 After having discussed the candidates for the committee of the International Labour Office with the leaders of the three German trade unions of intellectual workers (as re- quested in Abs. 466), does not agree with the Reichsarbeitsinisterium’s proposal in the person of T. Brauer. Neither does O. Everling seem to be accepted by all trade unions. The union leaders will return with a settled proposal in a few days. TLC. [46 394]. 485. Paul Ehrenfest to Elsa Einstein Leiden, 17 April 1928 Asks for information on AE’s illness. Does not intend to disturb his rest. Since Lorentz’s death he is lonely and feels stronger about what friends mean to him. TLC. [10 179]. 486. From Gewerkschaft Deutscher Geistesarbeiterverbände Berlin, 19 April 1928 Referring to Abs. 484, sends copy of its letter to the two organizations of intellectuals and summary of exchanges with Everling, of the Schutzkartell deutscher Geistesarbeiter ([46 400]). To avoid unnecessary controversies, proposes that AE invite representatives of all three organizations to discuss the only question, namely, the proposal for a repre- sentative in the International Labour Office. TLS. [46 398]. 487. Elsa Einstein to Paul Ehrenfest Berlin, 20 April 1928 AE is feeling significantly better. Over the past months, despite looking pitiful, he re- fused to see a doctor. His heart was enlarged and the heart muscle weakened. He now rests and reads good books, does not think much about physics. Ilse and Margot Einstein have been in Engadin since Christmas. Ilse is much better. ALS. [72 355]. 488. From George A. Weekes Cambridge, 20 April 1928 The vice-chancellor hopes AE will recover by 7 June and be able to accept the honorary degree of the University of Cambridge in person. TLS. [30 241]. 489. From Wichard von Moellendorff Berlin, 21 April 1928 Thanks AE for being proposed to represent the German intellectual workers at the Inter- national Labour Office. ALS. [46 402]. 490. From Prussian Minister of Culture Berlin, 21 April 1928 Invites again to the board of trustees of the Astrophysical Observatory for the year start- ing 1 April. TTrL. [83 254]. 491. To Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (Felicie Breyer) Bremen, 23 April 1928 Does not want to appear before the public too often. If the appeal were signed by Becker, Löbe, or Simons, he would also sign it, because it would demonstrate that the practicing politicians find it promising. TLC. [46 928]. 492. From Curt Schwarz [Charlottenburg,] 23 April 1928 Withdraws harsh remarks on W. Heisenberg made during his visit. Feels they talk in cir- cles without getting to the point. Would be nice to have AE talk about his opinion on contemporary researchers or on his own development. Observes how the very admira- ble, very beautiful, and very kind Elsa Einstein is happy being the wife of a genius. ALS. [48 447]. 493. To Arnold Berliner [Berlin,] 24 April 1928. Eric Weil is a young philosopher, a student of E. Cassirer. Asks Berliner whether he could offer him a position at the journal, or in the publishing house, or give him advice. ALSX. [123 261]. 494. From Heinrich Brauns Berlin, 24 April 1928 Develops his arguments as to why he had proposed T. Brauer as representative of Ger- man intellectual workers at the International Labour Office. TLS. [46 395].