D O C U M E N T S 4 9 3 , 4 9 4 A P R I L 1 9 2 9 4 3 1 493. Statement on the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of Theodore Herzl’s Death[1] [Einstein 1929ii] Dated 12 April 1929[2] Published June/July 1929 In: Hasmonaea 12, nos. 1–2 (June/July 1929): 2. Herzl, a man who lived apart from Jewish tradition and Jewish nationality, rec- ognized intuitively how the Jewish people[3] should be helped in its moral poverty and splintering.[4] With his heart pounding, he followed his inner voice with devotion and under very difficult circumstances, and through the example of his pure personality he awakened the Jewish people to the exhilarating feeling of community. Gratitude and veneration for him will not be extinguished in the Jewish people.[5] A. Einstein 494. To Semen L. Frank Berlin W., 12 April 1929 Dear Professor Frank, Thank you very much for kindly providing the information that is, however, more related to Mr. Teitel himself than to the soundness of the way the association he leads does business.[1] So I am unfortunately still in a quandary and do not know what position I should take with regard to it. Yesterday I had a long conversation with two Soviet people from the German- Russian “Culture and Technology” Association.[2] We discussed whether scholars and other workers who have emigrated might be able to return to Russia. Both gen- tlemen assured me that the return of people prepared to collaborate, even if they left the country illegally during the period of the revolution, was absolutely desired, in view of the demand for well-trained intellectual workers. That these gentlemen meant what they said is shown by the fact that they immediately declared that they were prepared to help in specific cases by serving as mediators with the embassy. This information gave me hope that the emigrants’ misery could be ended in the only natural way, if on their side sincere accommodation also wins acceptance. Best regards, your A. Einstein