Volume 16: The Berlin Years: Writings & Correspondence, June 1927-May 1929 (English Translation Supplement)

Volume 16: The Berlin Years: Writings & Correspondence, June 1927-May 1929 (English Translation Supplement)
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Table of Contents
Volume 16: The Berlin Years: Writings & Correspondence, June 1927-May 1929 (English Translation Supplement)
Table of Contents pages: 1 2 3
- Vol. 1, 35a. To Hermann and Pauline Einstein 337
- Vol. 1, 74a. To Pauline Einstein 337
- Vol. 7, 53a. Aphorism on the Illusion of Individuality 337
- Vol. 8, 269a. To Martin Knudsen 438
- Vol. 8, 309a. To Maja Winteler-Einstein and Paul Winteler 438
- Vol. 9, 342a. To Hermann Struck 640
- Vol. 9, 342b. Dedication for Hermann Struck 640
- Vol. 12, 150a. “To Walther Rathenau” 741
- Vol. 12, 202a. To Ludwik Silberstein 741
- Vol. 12, 324a. To Maja Winteler-Einstein 943
- Vol. 13, 61a. Reference for Max Abraham 1044
- Vol. 13, 90. To Maja Winteler-Einstein and Paul Winteler 1044
- Vol. 13, 161. To Maja Winteler-Einstein 1145
- Vol. 13, 323a. To Maja Winteler-Einstein 1246
- Vol. 14, 1a. Appeal for the Jewish National and University Library 1347
- Vol. 14, 227. To Maja Winteler-Einstein 1448
- Vol. 14, 313. To Maja Winteler-Einstein 1549
- Vol. 14, 332a. “Appeal to the Jews of Hungary” 1650
- Vol. 15, 18. To Maja Winteler-Einstein 1751
- Vol. 15, 58a. “On the Internationality of Science” 1852
- Vol. 15, 58b. “Paradise Lost” 1953
- Vol. 15, 164a. Verse for Alexander Moszkowski 2054
- Vol. 15, 222a. To Maja Winteler-Einstein 2054
- Vol. 15, 267a. To Alfred Alexander 2155
- Vol. 15, 367a. Verse for Willy and Grete Lebach 2256
- Vol. 15, 373a. Statement on Maxwell’s Equations 2357
- Vol. 15, 508a. To Elsa Einstein 2458
- Vol. 15, 513a. Appeal for Max Hoelz 2559
- 1. From Leo Kohn 2761
- 2. From Werner Heisenberg 2761
- 3. From Max von Laue 2862
- 4. To Max von Laue 2963
- 5. To Paul Ehrenfest 2963
- 6. Review of Émile Meyerson’s La déduction relativiste 3064
- 7. To Émile Meyerson 3367
- 8. To Hendrik A. Lorentz 3468
- 9. Recommendation for Emil Julius Gumbel 3468
- 10. From Émile Meyerson 3569
- 11. To the Presiding Secretary of the Prussian Academy of Sciences 3670
- 12. To Count Richard Nikolaus von Coudenhove-Kalergi 3670
- 13. To Rudolf Seeliger 3771
- 14. From Michele Besso 3771
- 15. To Michele Besso 3872
- 16. To Frederick Alexander Lindemann 3973
- 17. From Max Barthel 3973
- 18. Elsa Einstein to Reichsbund Jüdischer Frontsoldaten 4175
- 19. To Elsa Einstein 4175
- 20. To Hans Albert Einstein 4175
- 21. To Elsa Einstein 4276
- 22. From Moritz Schlick 4276
- 23. To Elsa Einstein 4377
- 24. To Elsa Einstein 4478
- 25. Message for Max Liebermann’s Eightieth Birthday 4478
- 26. To Elsa Einstein 4579
- 27. To Elsa Einstein 4579
- 28. To Elsa Einstein 4680
- 29. From Teodor Schlomka 4680
- 30. On the Balkan Federation 4781
- 31. To Luise Karr-Krüsi 4781
- 32. To Mileva Einstein-Marić 4882
- 33. On Religiosity 4882
- 34. To Hans Albert Einstein 4882
- 35. “On the Draft for a School Law for the German Reich” 4983
- 36. To Boris Brutzkus 4983
- 37. To Leo Kohn 5084
- 38. To Elly von Schneider-Glend 5084
- 39. To Frederick Alexander Lindemann 5185
- 40. To Émile Meyerson 5185
- 41. On German Colonial Policy 5286
- 42. To Max Barthel 5286
- 43. To Martin Schellenberger 5387
- 44. “The Theory of Relativity” 5488
- 45. To Nathan Straus 6094
- 46. From Teodor Schlomka 6195
- 47. Tribute to Alfred Kerr 6296
- 48. To Leo Szilard 6296
- 49. Statement on Kisch 1927 6397
- 50. To Hendrik A. Lorentz 6397
- 51. To Gotthold Mamlock 6498
- 52. From Oswald Veblen 6498
- 53. To Chaim Herman Müntz 6498
- 54. To Chaim Herman Müntz 6599
- 55. To Oswald Veblen 67101
- 56. From Eduard Einstein 67101
- 57. To Hans Albert Einstein 70104
- 58. To Beatrice Jahn Rusconi-Besso 70104
- 59. To Leo Kohn 71105
- 60. To Leon Steinig 71105
- 61. To Carl Willig 72106
- 62. To Leo Kohn 72106
- 63. To the Nobel Prize Committee for Physics 72106
- 64. To Rudolf Lämmel 73107
- 65. From Auguste Piccard 73107
- 66. Obituary of Svante Arrhenius 74108
- 67. To Lina Gutherz Straus 74108
- 68. To Club 1926 74108
- 69. From Pascual Jordan 75109
- 70. From Paul Ehrenfest 76110
- 71. To Internationales Studentenwerk 77111
- 72. To Andor Fodor 77111
- 73. From Heinrich Zangger 78112
- 74. To Elsa Einstein 79113
- 75. From and to Paul Ehrenfest 80114
- 76. The Essence of Quantum Mechanics 81115
- 77. The Essence of Quantum Mechanics 81115
- 78. To Caesar Koch 85119
- 79. From Arnold Sommerfeld 85119
- 80. To Presse-Verlag Dr. Dammert 86120
- 81. To Heinrich Zangger 86120
- 82. To Elias Auerbach 87121
- 83. To Arnold Sommerfeld 87121
- 84. Patent for Refrigerator 88122
- 85. To Carl Heinrich Becker 88122
- 86. To Deutscher Pazifistischer Studentenbund 89123
- 87. From Auguste Piccard 89123
- 88. From Georg Count von Arco 91125
- 89. Poem for Josef Grünberg 92126
- 90. To Georg Count von Arco 93127
- 91. “General Theory of Relativity and Equations of Motion” 94128
- 92. To Andor Fodor 106140
- 93. To Otto Lüning 106140
- 94. From Emil Rupp 107141
- 95. Hendrik A. Lorentz’s Activities in Behalf of International Cooperation 110144
- 96. Review of Reichenbach’s Philosophie der Raum-Zeit-Lehre 112146
- 97. From Paul Ehrenfest 113147
- 98. On Fritz Kortner 115149
- 99. To Kurt Singer 115149
- 100. From Alfred Einstein 116150
- 101. From Paul S. Epstein 116150
- 102. From Mileva Einstein-Marić 117151
- 103. To Max Liebermann 118152
- 104. From Eduard Einstein 118152
- 105. From Josef Winternitz 121155
- 106. To Hans-Georg von Beerfelde 122156
- 107. To Leopold Infeld 122156
- 108. To Eduard Einstein 123157
- 109. New Year’s Wishes for 1928 124158
- 110. On the Jewish Telegraphic Agency 125159
- 111. On the Jewish Telegraphic Agency 125159
- 112. To Herman Bernstein 125159
- 113. To Walter Lauterjung 126160
- 114. To Nathan Straus 126160
- 115. From Mary Sheepshanks 126160
- 116. Afterword to Zweig 1928 127161
- 117. H. A. Lorentz and International Cooperation 128162
- 118. From Alfred Einstein 128162
- 119. From Eduard Einstein 129163
- 120. From Heinrich Zangger 132166
- 121. To Alfred Einstein 133167
- Untitled 133167
- 122. To the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom 133167
- 123. To Heinrich Zangger 134168
- 124. From Leopold Infeld 134168
- 125. To Leopold Infeld 135169
- 126. Foreword to Torrès 1928 136170
- 127. To the Rote Hilfe 136170
- 128. To Chaim Weizmann 137171
- 129. On the Nadir of Civlization 140174
- 130. To Eduard Einstein 140174
- 131. To Mileva Einstein-Marić 140174
- 132. From Michele Besso 141175
- 133. From Chaim Weizmann 142176
- 134. To Alex Baerwald 144178
- 135. “For the Release of Fritz Roettcher” 145179
- 136. To Otto Stern 146180
- 137. To Paul Ehrenfest 147181
- 138. To Hans Albert Einstein 148182
- 139. From Chaim Weizmann 149183
- 140. To Chaim Weizmann 150184
- 141. From Paul Ehrenfest 150184
- 142. To Han Sin Liau 151185
- 143. Aphorism on Snobbery 152186
- 144. To Maja Winteler-Einstein 152186
- 145. Appeal for Ludwig (Lajos) Hatvany 153187
- 146. To Elsa Einstein 154188
- 147. Funeral Oration for Hendrik A. Lorentz 155189
- 148. To Heinrich Meng 156190
- 149. From Heinrich Zangger 156190
- 150. To Ilse Kayser-Einstein and Margot Einstein 156190
- 151. From Heinrich Zangger 157191
- 152. Review of Émile Meyerson, La déduction relativiste 158192
- 153. From Emil Rupp 158192
- 154. From Chaim Weizmann 159193
- 155. To Leo Kohn 161195
- 156. “On the Basic Concepts of Physics and Their Most Recent Transformation” 162196
- 157. “On the Davos University Lectures” 167201
- 158. Report on Davos Lecture 168202
- 159. Calculation 168202
- 160. To Heinrich Zangger 169203
- 161. From Heinrich Zangger 169203
- 162. Aphorism on Johann Sebastian Bach 170204
- 163. From Heinrich Zangger 170204
- 164. To Hans Albert Einstein 171205
- 165. To Ilse Kayser-Einstein 171205
- 166. To Hedwig Fischer-Landshoff 172206
- 167. To Max von Laue 172206
- 168. From Eduard Einstein 172206